Author Topic: how to clean the eaa wonderfinish?  (Read 5644 times)

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Offline notjustanothermini

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how to clean the eaa wonderfinish?
« on: January 08, 2011, 04:28:36 PM »
i was wondering how you guys with wonder finish gunns clean them, as far as what cleaning products you use.  i heard ammonia based cleaners are a big NO NO.

all the back of cleaners such as clp, powder blast, etc. say "contains petrolleum distilates"  and nothing about wheather or not they contain ammonia.

and i would like to respond to some post made to me in the "eaa witness cracked frame and slide" thread.

yes i have one post. and someone said i was suspect, cuzz i probably dont shoot mus=ch or use the gun mush as i have one post.

come on guys, why on my first post would someone call me out to be a "EAA flaming troll" i know no one said those exact words, but they did get the point/thought of that across loud and clear.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2011, 09:10:27 PM by Mrs Armoredman »

Offline larryflew

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Re: how to clean the eaa wnderfinish?
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 07:43:18 PM »
If it doesn't have ammonia it wouldn't say ammonia. Stay away from ammonia on all of your gun products.  And, yes it sounded like a troll knocking Witness but it wasn't me as I wouldn't say something like that.  
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 06:46:52 AM by larryflew »
When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"?

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Offline Southern Forester

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Re: how to clean the eaa wnderfinish?
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2011, 08:06:50 PM »
Ammonia is a big no-no for nickel finishes particularly.  The Wonder Finish should be okay with it, but it is best to avoid.  After all, ammonia-based cleaners are for removing copper fouling, which is only a problem in the barrel.  Most other cleaners, like Hoppes and just find with Wonder Finish.

Offline eric0424

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Re: how to clean the eaa wnderfinish?
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2011, 08:33:21 PM »
First off I want to you to the forum.

I don't know much about the finish on your witness, but the manual says to treat it like blued steel on the front page.  I clean all my pistols and rifles the old fashioned way, bore solvent (Hoppe's No. 9, Outers Nitro Solvent and Shooter's Choice), brushes, Q-tips for some places and a complete tear down when needed.  I haven't tried the spray cleaners or tried to soak any firearm in mineral spirits or kerosene and nothing I have is ammonia based.  I haven't had a problem with the finish on any of my guns or the guns I have repaired.

To protect the finish I wipe my pistols and rifles down with EEZOX lately, before that I used Remoil and BreakFree CLP.  Any one of these should help protect the wonder finish without damaging it, they haven't been a problem on my blued weapons so I figure it would be safe on the witness.  You may want to avoid Remington 40X bore cleaner, it did discolor a friends finish on a Smith & Wesson revolver a couple of years ago, but he didn't notice it had gotten on his barrel and didn't wiped it off soon enough.

Offline DenStinett

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Re: how to clean the eaa wnderfinish?
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2011, 09:06:52 PM »
I?m with eric on the Hoppe?s #9
Clean it as if it was any other pistol with a blued finish
After I clean mine, I ?rinse? them with a wash of Prolix, which is a liquid, dry lube (sounds odd huh)
This washes away any remaining solvent residue, and leaves a Teflon like protective coating behind
That Wonder Finish is some pretty tough stuff
Just my $0.02 worth
Shoot safe, Den S
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Offline eric0424

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Re: how to clean the eaa wnderfinish?
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2011, 10:58:04 PM »
After I clean mine, I ?rinse? them with a wash of Prolix, which is a liquid, dry lube (sounds odd huh)
This washes away any remaining solvent residue, and leaves a Teflon like protective coating behind

 :D  Liquid dry lube, that is kinda funny.  Looks like good stuff though, went and checked their site a few minutes ago.  I'll have to  give it a try next time I order cleaning and maintenance supplies for my firearms.

Offline notjustanothermini

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Re: how to clean the eaa wonderfinish?
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2011, 11:31:54 PM »
yeah i just did what i normally do, which is powder blast for the barrel, with a bronze brush bout ten times back and forth, then i wrap a patch around a bronze brush and pas thru three times and change to a new one till they come out clean, and then a jag with a patch soaked in remoil, all exterior surfaces, were done with remoil with teflon.

now on to further buisness.

i was at the high road, gloating in a new thread i started about how happy i was that i found a witness 10mm, with the wonder finish (the exact setup i wanted to boot!!) while shopping for  my wifes backup for CCW carry, which is a Ruger LCP .380. and i just said "the heck with the LCP right at this moment, im getting that bad boy there (the 10mm witness). so i was boasting like crazy about my new witness, and how im going to buy all the diferent barrels and all the slides i would need for all the calibers barrels ( i want every cal. available; .45 super .45acp, .40, .40 super[if it is made by someone] .40 sw, .357 sig, .38 super, and all the 9mm variants).

then the fella that responded to my new topic said "oh yeah good luck wtih the witness, youd better buy 3 slides to have laying around"

i responded by saying "why, i know i need at least 2 more for the breech face to be right for the calibers i want, but even double the amount i really need"

he said "heres a link, and posted a link to this great forum, and it was the thread about the cracked fram and slide" thread. so i immediatly registered, as i thought i could get to the bottom of this, and hoping it was some kinds of user error, and not the actual gun.

then i posted in that thread, with how i really felt about a gun with such a fair ammount of reported cases in where it actually cracked (and a handfull on other forums, maybe they are the same cases just posted in other forums by the same owners?) and i just gave my two cents about why would they continue if it was a metalurgy problem??

you know im not a sheep, i will ask questions untill im satisfied or have a solution to my situation. and yeah if a company knowingly keeps putting out freaking over hard or whatever is wrong with, slides that break then they rreally need to stop or do something different and recall or make the customer whole again in some way.

now dont take that in any other way than i am just concerned about the gun i just spent 400 bux on, thats all, i just want to know if and what others did and their experience with that. i will probe with questions about the cutomer service experience, the turn around time, the overall experience that one has with getting a gun fixed that had the problem, or what could or should have been done to prevent it in the first place. i am thinking the gun just may be under sprung for even a buffalo bore .40 +p round. and yes there is a .40 +Pi mean if you put a 1911 chambered in 9mm back together WITH OUT the recoil spring in it, im 99% sure if you fired it without a recoil spring in it, it would surely crack  something (frame/slide) after it is shot, from the slide smashing into the frame with no "dampening" the blow from a spring. hell i bet the 1911 wouldnt hold up to a .32 chambering being fired without a recoil spring put in.

so that being said, a lot of companies cheap out in one area or another, and even sig, and HK do cheap out in one way or another. and it usually would be something stupid like a recoil spring 2 pounds too light. and that is totally understandable, just buy a new spring, for like what, 3 bux? and party on.

i am going to still need a answer to what slide you get when you buy a conversion slide. if it is the squared off one, then great!! im even happier with my purchase. i would buy the .40 kit and just never use the actual 10mm slide it came with. honestly i do like the look of the square slide, but this slide (round top) is nice too, it is a more defined and classy look, as the squared off slide is a more utilitarian/tactical look.   

but one thing about the round top slide, and im just wondering if any body else noticed this too.  "Does not the round top slide kinda look a little "PHALIC" to you??lol

when i was in 8th grade and reading a special weapons and tactics for law enfforcement magazine in algebra class, instead of learning about integers or whatever the teach was preachin, i was an add for the witness, and from that day forward i was waiting to see a real in person eaa, and i vowed a promise to my self, if when i was old enough to buy a gun, i see or hear of a witness in 10mm available i WILL BUY IT, even if it means selling something, i would get it.

so that should prove that i have no intention of "bashing" eaa, or any CZ patern gun. at all.

oh yeah, and untill 4 days ago, i have never ever ever saw a witness at all anywhere, let alone one in the setup i was dreaming about for 12 years. and when i saw the said witness, i bought it. and thats the one im now a bit, or was a bit concerned about.

even with this little thought in my mind, i know if i just put a heavy spring in it and a buffer too, nothing will ever happen. i am still super happy with it and even took the stingray laser off of my FNP .45 tactical and gave it to the witness, oh yeah and i have been carrying it since the time i bought it, when i left the gun store, i loaded her up in the car and stuck her in my millpro fobus paddle holster, and i havent left the house sonce with it. i keep federal hydrashocks in it.

sorry for the LOOONG winded post. i jsut wanted ot familiarize the community with my self, and really wanted to show i have no intention on "trolling" hell i didnt even know what "trolling" was till i was accused of it and i had to look it up on google/ if anyone still thinks im a troll, or have ill intent. well they could get the "wookie" as far as im concerned.

Offline larryflew

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Re: how to clean the eaa wonderfinish?
« Reply #7 on: January 09, 2011, 01:31:23 PM »
MUCH better.  Welcome and hope it all works out for you. In most cases gun bashing needs to be taken with many grains of salt no matter what the brand is. 10,000 good ones don't equal the bad press from 1 bad one and especially now with the internet where you will likely read about that one bad one many times over.
When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"?

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Offline notjustanothermini

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Re: how to clean the eaa wonderfinish?
« Reply #8 on: January 09, 2011, 10:56:04 PM »
FWIW, i am not seeking a apology, or do i think apologies are in order, for me at least. and thank you eric for getting my back, i appreciate it a bunch, actually i kinda got the jest that peeps were getting a little too hot under the collar for next to nothing at all. i did not in any post bash any thing or anyone.

i even deleted a whole post written in haste, but that said post really coulda stayed in my opinion. and then i put it here after i dotted my "I's" and crossed my "T's" a little better.

i wrote this last post i put up to try and validate my self as an actual EAA witness owner and operator. i mean i can see where too much of the same story over and over again can turn into a bunch of seperate incidents, when really there were only a handfull, and they got told over and over by concerned customers, and then it seems as if it is happening left and right.

old timers here have a little responsibility to "police" there home forum to make sure stuff doesn't get blown out of proportion.

that being said, yeah some members here did come way like a elite-ist's and kinda made me question whether or not i was going to stay. but i did and i understand both sides of the situation.

and were are all mature adults, (i was going to say MEN, but i realize women are a big part of shooting lately)and from what transpired in the last day or so, i really did not take anything personal, i mean it aint like anybody here is face to face, and if it is like that then just trun off the computer.

now lets get down to putting this in the cupboard and get to discussing the steps we take in caring for the wonder finish guns.

and thanks again eric for the encouragement