just got a 75b. wanted it for a _very_ long time. now, i'd like to take care of it.
i have just finished reading the manual and the cleaning faq. wanted to just clean it prior to shooting - just to get a bit of a hang of it.
the FAQ mentions things like "put a VERY LIGHT coating of CLP ..."... in the basic cleaning kit that i got with the gun, there is a solvent and a bottle of gun oil; also, i got the Breakfree (sp?) CLP.
FAQ does not seem to mention the oil at all - do i even need it? And if I do, which parts do I clean with it?
A friend told me that it is better to use grease as opposed to oil. I haven't seen grease mentioned anywhere, so I wanted to double-check if it is useful for anything other than long-term storage. Again, if it is useful, which parts of the gun should I apply it to?
Finally, it appers to be safe to use the solvent (if i have to) on the inside of the slide and the barrel bore. Unlike with CLP, i do NOT let it just sit there, correct? I apply it, wipe it down, and then apply CLP (or gun oil, depending on answer to my first question)? The only concern with solvent is that it is corrosive, and i need to make sure it does not get anywhere where I can not wipe it down, right?
I apologize for all these questions. I tried to look through FAQs and messages to understand this, but i haven't been able to find answers; if the answers are indeed there, please point me in the right direction.
Thank you very much.,