yea, yea, i second you an the "not as much recoil" statement.
in the mail today, i got my XP recoil spring kit from wolf, i put the 22lbs spring in and .......grrr! boy was it hard to get in there at first, and had a hard time racking hte slide, but i managed to.
then i took it downstairs to my "range lane" <-----{Yes i have a indoor shooting range in my basement, i made it, took like 4 months on and off, it is built llke this; 45 foot lane, real walls built around it and linedbetween each stud with old phone books i got from the library on recycle day, i literallly picked up a full size checy 1500 long beds worth, they are all stuffed inbetween the inner and outer drywall. then i have the back wall of the lane, wich is 8 feet wide, lined with 232 layers deep, and 2 layers tall of everlast 80 pound heavy bags. and beyond that wall, which is also the back of the basement, is dirt as it is the outside wall of the basement. and there is a roof on the lane toward the end, for the last 10 or so feet, is 1/4 inch thick plate laying across the width of the "ceiling" of the lane. it has been built for 3 years now and had thousand of rounds shot down there, and all went as i planned it to. never a richochet or anything like that.
sorry, i wanted to let all know that before i go further, as i KNOW i would get flack if i didnt properly explain what i do.
any way i put the 22# recoil spring in and got to shoot my gun for the first time today, i shot 2 boxes full of remingtom UMC 180g FMJ's. and a mag full (15 round) of double tap 180g HP's.
well the first shot i took, i noticed after i watched the vid, (i record to video all or most of the shooting that takes place in the basement lane) the first shot i actually closed my eyes in anticipation of recoil, after i got the shot off i looked at the gun like it was broken, cuzz the recoil WAS NOT EVEN CLOSE to being like a compact 9mm with +P's in it.
yeah this platform eats up recoil like a champion. hardly any felt recoil at all, IMHO at least.
the double taps were like shooting a regular fmj .40 sw outta my SR40, and that gun is a real recoil tamer in itself, as it too has a low bore axis, so that says a lot.
all in all, i have no clue, why the recoil of these tanfoglio 10mm is almost "urban legend" like, as the internet report of 10mm recoil had me anticipating a 12 guage blast. and it was barely a full house 9mm. in a poly frame subcompact.
needless to say, it is now my most favorite of favorites, and i cant wait to get it to a real outdorr range to play some cowboy games with.hehe.
as far as slides go, i spoke to eaa today, and asked the same question, and they said yes it is the squared off style slides, but they also said theyd sell me any slide i wanted, that they have on hand.
so yes, you can put your mind at ease, but i really dont see the "cracking" issues people report with these guns, i think honestly, it was something weird the slide cracking victims did, such as really hot reloads, or god know what.
but yeah, my favorite for sure now is this gun. it was even before i shot it, but now it is set in stone.