I have an old CZ 75B. I love my gun, but the DA trigger is to long and is a match for my shooting style. I only shoot on a shootingrange so I don't need a DA. I have already fitted a combat hammer and a 17lbs main springl. I bought a SA trigger and installed it but afte installing the gun won't fire with my 9mm top, but i does fire with the Kadet top. The hammer doesn't release. I can't explain the error, but I find that the trigger bar doesn't connect the right way to the fireing pin block lever. I can see that is some wear on both the triggerbar and the fireing pin block lever. Should I send it in to a gunsmith and pay a lot to get it fixed, or do you think I can only swap the two parts?
When the SA trigger works on the kadet, then the trigger is one of the best triggers I have tried on a not match gun! I want this to work!!!