The satin nickel finish on my 85 Combat is quite durable and has held up well over the past 8 years of shooting and cleaning. I shoot only FMJ bullets and clean the barrel, slide, and firing pin area with Hoppe's #9. A few passes with a 9mm brass brush soaked with #9 or brake clearer in the bore gets out the power residue. I oil the frame rails and underside of the slide with 40 weight Valvoline. I clean the trigger mechanism and drawbar with brake cleaner - a brief squirt and followed up with a cotton patch, then a drop of oil The outside of the gun is cleaned with 3 in 1 oil. If the gun will be sitting for a month or more, I run a patch lightly soaked in 3 in 1 oil through the bore.
The gun has shot 10,000 plus rounds and has been drawn from my Kydex holster hundreds upon hundreds of times. It has slight holster wear on the front of the slide and nothing more.
Enjoy your 85 Combat. You may find it to be one of the most durable, reliable, and accurate firearms you will ever own.