Nice Wobbly!
You may recall my thread(s) discussing WSF a while back, and I can tell you now that I shoot it exclusively in my action pistol loads. I am bleep near through an 8lb keg of between my daughters boyfriend and I loading nearly 600 rounds a week of the stuff.
I absolutely love it for cleanliness, decent recoil and ease of metering through my Dillon measure. I must have over 8000 rounds loaded, fired or stored using WSF at this point. At least 3750 of were loaded using those Montana Gold 124 JHP's you show in one of the pics up above.
My only question is what gun are you shooting them through to get an OAL of 1.130 ? Those things will hit the lands on my SP01's @ 1.095" so I loaded them @ 1.080"... They are great bullets, but need to be loaded short to work in any of the CZ's I have loaded them for.
On a final note, my go to load for WSF is 4.6gr over a 124/125 gr. JHP. They chrono right at 1100 fps for me. I have been shooting X-treme's, Zero's and those MG's for the last couple months. I like them all really but the Zero's are probably the nicest so far. I have been experimenting with 147 grainers over 4.2gr's of WSF and been pretty happy. I love the slightly reduced recoil impulse when shooting the 147's .