I'm afraid to actually say this out loud or through my keyboard, but it's not a big deal decocking all the way down (I'm the one that started this thread after dq-ing.) It truly was just a matter of the way I was decocking not working with a heavier hammer spring. I've since decocked the hammer 1,000 times with no issue. It certainly is one more thing to worry about and I got rattled to where it affected my shooting for weeks (felt like someone that had just been in a car accident - like where everyone seems to be aiming their bumper at you for a few weeks,) but now I feel back to normal and the further away I get from the dq the less it becomes something that takes up space in my head. Will it happen again? Maybe...certainly more of a chance of it happening than with a striker fired gun. But at the same time, with the gun pointed in a safe direction I don't *think* it's any more of a safety issue than a round fired after the beep (that hits the berm.)