Author Topic: Newbie Says Thanks!  (Read 1202 times)

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Newbie Says Thanks!
« on: December 25, 2006, 06:16:17 PM »
I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thanks to everyone who has posted here over the last couple of years,  which has provided me with a wealth of information regarding what appears to be a wonderful firearm.  

For the record I found my CZ40P two weeks ago at our Fred Meyers, and purchased it for $296.00 out the door.   It had been marked at $365.00, but they had it on sale for $329.99, with another 10% off thanks to a coupon good for anything off in the store.  Yet the wife insisted she be able to wrap my "Christmas gift" and place it under the tree, so today was the first chance I've had to shoot it.

And let me just say that I found the 40p a really great sidearm, at least for someone like me.  Which is a guy who got his first .22 fifty two years ago, but has never been into side arms much and thus is less likely to notice subtle flaws others might find.  

I put 30 rounds of Ultramax FMJ 180s through it within the last hour (would have shot the whole box except its 7 below at the moment), and I am very pleased to announce that I did so without one round failing to hang up as has been reported here.  In addition, the recoil to me is very light (maybe because of my still vivid memories of when I was eight or so and I was trying to shoot my dads 1911 and Luger?), and had some acceptable groupings out of the box and shooting free hand.

Thus could it be CZ has made some changes to the mag?  I know early posts had thought the mag was the source of the problem anyway, but whatever, I had no problems at all and found the trigger pull to be more then acceptable as well.   Definately some slack there, but didn't notice any roughness in the pull or anything like that.   So again, maybe they've done some work on that issue as well seeing that mine was manufactured this past year.

So, again, thanks to all of you who have posted here.  I definately will be looking at getting a holster here shortly, along with perhaps doing some mods others have suggested.  

And to everyone, especially members of our armed forces and their families, I hope you're having a very Merry Christmas, and have a truely wonderful New Year.


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Newbie Says Thanks!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2006, 04:41:44 PM »
Congrats on the new 40p. I love mine so much I bought 2 of them. I have shot lots and lots of ammo thru mine and I have never had a glitch. My other one is a safe queen. Great little pistol for the money. For the money, we have some pretty nice guns. :D


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Newbie Says Thanks!
« Reply #2 on: December 30, 2006, 01:37:25 AM »
I agree.   I've been able to put good groups together all in the black at 20 yds so far, and as I said I've never shot side arms that much.  Up to 200 rounds now without any problems.