Check the ammunition with a straightedge across the base of the cartridge, and see if there's a bit of a gap between the primer and the straightedge. I had a similar issue with some .223 rounds, the primer was set so deep I could see and feel the difference. If it passes that test, I would break out the calipers and compare the shoulder heights of the brass that didn't work with those that did before I worried about the rifle. I suspect quality control on high demand ammunition like 7.62X39 and .223 has slipped of late.
Commercially sold bolt rifles can't afford to risk too deep a firing pin strike compared with military type autoloaders. The firing pin in a bolt gun is right in front of the shooter's eye, and unless the bolt is shrouded, a pierced primer can vent hot gasses straight back and turn you into a Cyclops. Most manufacturer's lean towards the conservative side when it comes to firing pin to primer striking depth to minimize that risk.