Here is a load I worked up and range tested this weekend. Berger 168 gr VLD over 42.0 gr Varget, new Federal 30-06 brass resized to 308, necks reamed with RCBS pilot reamer and outside neck turned to 0.015" neck wall thickness uniformly. case length 2.015". Fed LR primers. Bullets seated touching the lands and single loaded from the breech. Chronied at 2560 fps. 5-shot group at 100 yards, center group. Scope was zeroed at 200 yards. Factory stock CZ 550 Varmint except for Timney 2# trigger replacement.
I say forget the bedding. Keep your action screws tight. Seat your bullets at the lands, and pay careful attention to keeping uniform neck wall thickness/ neck tension. The CZ won't let you down.
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