Hiya NRA1945 and thanks for starting the thread. I hear ya about the surplus holster, mines been a dust collector for over a year. Hers a link to a place I've heard good comments about, but not done business with. Heard turn around can be 2 or 3 months to make one, but a great product. Drop em a call or email for details, when its custom work they usually go the extra mile in customer service. Be well.
Hey, Thanks for the link! I will email them and see what can be done and the costs involved.
I've heard that vertical carry adds a safety factor if running is involved, as my running days are over a horiz. rig works for me.
Yes, safety is my prime reason for going with a vertical shoulder rig. If by some rare occurrence their was a discharge, it will either hit the ground or graze my leg. I don't know about you, but having the bore of a loaded handgun, especially a "cocked & locked" type job, pointing at everyone's torso or back doesn't sit too well with me.
Rule #1. ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction. Or, NEVER point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy.