After visiting Lowes and Home Depot[neither of which had wet/dry sandpaper] I found 1000 grit at Sears Hardware. I had some oil for knife sharpening, used a round pencil with sp and the oil, and buffed to a slick sheen.
I then decided to try my 40B at the range. Since I already had 3 boxes of WWB 165gr, I opted not to purchase different ammo at this time, but used what I had.
All was going well, no failure to feeds until about 40 rounds in. I didn't pay attention to the position of the bullet but rather gave a quick rack and away I continued on. About 30 rounds later, it happened again. I did, however look at the position that time to notice the bullet was not quite seated to rear of magazine, giving me hope that I had loaded that bullet not quite against rear of mag.
I continued on until almost the 100 round mark where again bullet failed to feed, but again noticed a quarter inch gap from back of bullet to rear of mag.
I brought weapon home, gave thorough cleaning, another round of wet-sanding of feedramp[including upper portion which I had neglected the first time] then lightly oiled.
So, in conclusion, I am assuming at least 2 out of the 3 total ftf's were operator error in loading. I am somewhat satisfied with results of my efforts.