Author Topic: OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range  (Read 1883 times)

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Offline gunzrfunz

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:57:24 AM »
After visiting Lowes and Home Depot[neither of which had wet/dry sandpaper] I found 1000 grit at Sears Hardware. I had some oil for knife sharpening, used a round pencil with sp and the oil,  and buffed to a slick sheen.8)
I then decided to try my 40B at the range. Since I already had 3 boxes of WWB 165gr, I opted not to purchase different ammo at this time, but used what I had.
All was going well, no failure to feeds until about 40 rounds in. I didn't pay attention to the position of the bullet but rather gave a quick rack and away I continued on. About 30 rounds later, it happened again. I did, however look at the position that time to notice the bullet was not quite seated to rear of magazine, giving me hope that I had loaded that bullet not quite against rear of mag.:b
I continued on until almost the 100 round mark where again bullet failed to feed, but again noticed a quarter inch gap from back of bullet to rear of mag.
I brought weapon home, gave thorough cleaning, another round of wet-sanding of feedramp[including upper portion which I had neglected the first time] then lightly oiled.
So, in conclusion, I am assuming at least 2 out of the 3 total ftf's were operator error in loading. I am somewhat satisfied with results of my efforts. :rollin


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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2006, 03:42:03 PM »
Let's see how it does the next time out.  Polish so more.  Its cheap, and it can't hurt.  

A larger diameter dowel (maybe a BIG pencil) would be better.

Offline gunzrfunz

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2006, 05:34:25 PM »
Yeah, I will try a larger diameter pencil or dowel. I was also thinking of trying different ammo, any suggestions? I have noticed prices for other ammo[38spl in particular] have gone up considerably, like 10% or so:eek , but the 40 s&w have gone down? At least at Wallyworld they have. A box of WWB 100ct used to be around 19+, but when I bought some earlier this week, it was around 17+[and no it wasn't a sale price]
Not to get off the subject, but Wallyworld has not been stocking much of either caliber ammo[I bought only box avail of WWB] and hasn't for awhile now. Makes me think a liberal democrat is in doing the ammo ordering for my local WW, and making me mad.>:
Anywho, the steps taken have been in the right direction, but is there anything else that can be done if problem still exists after this?


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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2006, 05:46:32 PM »
Try some CCI/Blazer (aluminum or brass cases) and see how it does.  CCI tends to be just a little hotter than other brands.

Wally World may be stock just as much as ever, but because some is cheaper, its selling out faster -- because of the cost differences.  (Ask the clerk when they expect more to come in...)

Offline gunzrfunz

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2006, 09:13:28 AM »
Aargh!!>:  >:  >:  
Just got back from the range after I had given second thorough wet-sanding of the feedramp earlier in the week. Back to failure-to-feed problems! Out of 40 WWB 165gr and 20 Remington 180gr JHP's, I would estimate I had 8 ftf's!!:x  
So, I don't believe ammo or the feedramp are the culprit in this ongoing headache I've been experiencing.
Also, I had one additional problem happen. Once, after I had emptied the magazine, the slide failed to lock open. It only happened once, but then again I only shot 60rds thru it today.
I'm not sure if it is normal since today was the first time I fired it outside to notice, but when I went to retrieve the spent casings, they were about 15-20ft away!
I have been reading that others are experiencing the ftf issue, so it is obvious this is an inherent problem with these weapons. Any OTHER suggestions as to how to fix? I am about at my wits' end here, and about to unload this thing if I can't find a solution.

Offline Jeff Bergquist

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #5 on: September 03, 2006, 04:36:00 AM »
Spring issues. The failure to lock back and bullet position issues suggest that you might need to install stronger Wolff mag springs, and I'd also suggest installing a 20# recoil spring for the full sized pistols with 4 or 5 coils cut off. This will push the round into the chamber with more force, and cut down the distance that the brass is thrown.

I'm sorry that you are going through this with your pistol, (a couple of my CZs needed similar tweaking to achieve reliability), But if you perservere I'm sure that you will have a pistol that's definitely worth keeping.
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Offline gunzrfunz

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2006, 06:09:18 AM »
Thanx, Jeff. I just ordered the springs online from the Wolff website, so hopefully it will resolve this issue. I appreciate your help, and would love for this weapon to stay in the collection. Aside from these problems, the gun fires beautifully and as accurate as one could expect from my limited experience.  The .40 s&w caliber has practically zero recoil for me[which was hyped to be more] and had been thinking of getting another CZ in 40[maybe a 75B] until this issue. I've read alot of positive things about CZ guns, and this being my first, was a little dissapointed with the frustration I've been dealing with.Let's all cross our fingers.8o


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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2006, 11:39:29 PM »
To do an experement, I had four different friends load both five and ten rounds into magazines for my 40b...  I have yet to touch the feed ramp, besides cleaning.

Six boxes of CCI later, none failed to fire.  One guy never fired an automatic pistol before and still had no problems...  I was wondering if your magazines were having problems instead of the feedramp.  I have the OEM style and one has been through a lot and I've never had a loading or firing failure.  Some magazines were loaded with a little room behind the cartridges and some were loaded with close attention to making sure they were stacked against the rear of the mag.  

See if you can borrow another mag and give it another try...

Offline EZ CZ75

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OK, I polished the feedramp..then went to range
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2006, 02:41:44 AM »
Have you tried polishing the underside of the slide?  I have noticed that my slides will pull my next round forward just a little and that it can cause problems.  Also, the stronger mag spring will help to hold the next round in place and prevent the forward creep.