Author Topic: my new d-technik vz 58  (Read 15004 times)

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Offline WGolden

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2014, 03:41:31 PM »

Another holy crap.... Is that your answer?....really?  Do you also drive a ford? ....just kidding man.  Seems like when person decides to pay more for a csa vz instead of buying the cheap 2008, seems like we get some attitude now. 

I think that they were responding to the tone of posts like this one:

There's some people who would pay more for a quality vz58/that's built at csa who builds them for military/LE/civilians.  so if you think your vz2008 is a better value more power to ya ;) heck all the time I have the dough to pick up a vz2008 I find something else that sparks my interest... And yes I ordered a marlin 336Y (youth model) over the vz 2008, and won't loose any sleep over it..LOL

It's funny that your response to their complaints about elitism is just to continue calling the 2008 a cheap piece of junk. 

« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 03:47:20 PM by WGolden »

Offline cz671

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2014, 04:15:16 PM »

Another holy crap.... Is that your answer?....really?  Do you also drive a ford? ....just kidding man.  Seems like when person decides to pay more for a csa vz instead of buying the cheap 2008, seems like we get some attitude now. 

I think that they were responding to the tone of posts like this one:

There's some people who would pay more for a quality vz58/that's built at csa who builds them for military/LE/civilians.  so if you think your vz2008 is a better value more power to ya ;) heck all the time I have the dough to pick up a vz2008 I find something else that sparks my interest... And yes I ordered a marlin 336Y (youth model) over the vz 2008, and won't loose any sleep over it..LOL

It's funny that your response to their complaints about elitism is just to continue calling the 2008 a cheap piece of junk.

This has nothing to do with elitism, I just has to do with facts given and information to distnguish the two vz 58s.  What facts would like to contribute to both firearms for both owners?  Would saying a cheaper affordable version of the U.S built vz 58 aka "vz2008" sound better for you?

Offline RSR

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2014, 06:02:56 PM »
Another holy crap.... Is that your answer?....really?  Do you also drive a ford? ....just kidding man.  Seems like when person decides to pay more for a csa vz instead of buying the cheap 2008, seems like we get some attitude now.  By asking legit questions regarding the 2008 still goes un answered here, do you realize maybe some 2008 owners would like to know this?  I think this I great information regarding the csa vz and the CIA 2008 differences regardless if you think it makes a difference or not...don't you think?  I used to own a vz2008 years ago with original wood furniture...then soon after I sold it because I was not happy with it, hope this does not bother you.

The OP, based upon his research on the site, was led to believe that the VZ2008 is a vastly inferior weapon/not worth purchasing and the CSA VZ 58 is a vastly superior weapon worth the 3x.  I think that is the discussion at hand. 

Not which you prefer.  But which weapon, at current prices and with it's set of features, delivers the most value and the right features for the buyer/end user.  These are subjective.
Both shoot.  Both are well made and reliable (tabbing the VZ2008 is a good idea however for 100% reliability).  And both offer some features that the other does not and cannot accommodate without substantial and costly gunsmithing... 

For instance, as I mentioned, the VZ2008 could be purchased, have a cold hammer forged barrel made for it/installed on it (a little more costly), or the current barrel re-drilled to M43 specs and hardened further (if desired) and melonited (superior to chrome) for well under the cost of a new CSA VZ58, if not a total of less than 1/2 of the CSA gun... 

Offline Franz Maurer

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2014, 06:28:05 PM »
as an unfortunate kalifornia resident I should add that
a great reason for buying czechpoint (and paying more) is an existence of the "kalifornia version"
many, many, perhaps even most FFLs in here just will not want to do a transfer of a "new" semi auto unless it is specifically advertised by the manufacturer as a kalifornia compliant type
czechpoint does a good job of that - shaved mag release, 10round mags

Century doesn't acknowledge the oppressed places like this well
some dealers will put a maglock/ bullet button on whatever @ extra charge but again most FFLs here scoff at that and will not negotiate due to numerous complex technicalities and fear of screwing up

« Last Edit: January 15, 2014, 06:32:28 PM by Franz Maurer »
75B .40 ; P-01 ; kadet2 ; '94 witness .45 - slim nose 1of999 ; samopal vz.58 ; tin foil hat.

Offline RSR

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #34 on: January 15, 2014, 07:30:18 PM »

922r applies to all weapons prohibited from importation by section 925d(basically, any semi automatic rifle or shotgun that has any of these "non sporting" features...

The magazine compliance issue/need to either purchase Czechpoint floorplates/follower for every mag you own/run or install other US made parts is an important topic I forgot...

Offline scowl

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2014, 12:01:01 AM »
The OP, based upon his research on the site, was led to believe that the VZ2008 is a vastly inferior weapon/not worth purchasing and the CSA VZ 58 is a vastly superior weapon worth the 3x.  I think that is the discussion at hand. 

Not which you prefer.  But which weapon, at current prices and with it's set of features, delivers the most value and the right features for the buyer/end user.  These are subjective.
Both shoot.  Both are well made and reliable (tabbing the VZ2008 is a good idea however for 100% reliability).  And both offer some features that the other does not and cannot accommodate without substantial and costly gunsmithing... 

For instance, as I mentioned, the VZ2008 could be purchased, have a cold hammer forged barrel made for it/installed on it (a little more costly), or the current barrel re-drilled to M43 specs and hardened further (if desired) and melonited (superior to chrome) for well under the cost of a new CSA VZ58, if not a total of less than 1/2 of the CSA gun...

I based my search on multiple sources, including other cz forums, reddits, and general firearm forums.  I didn't mean to imply I bought a dtechnik vz58 because it was superior.  Most of the information I reviewed did steer me that way.  I purchased the vz-58 more for the rarity than the *debatable* superior quality.  Had I bought it for quality reasons I wouldn't be asking if I should shoot it, I'd have 1000 rounds through it by now ;-).  I didn't mean to start a debate, I guess I wasn't clear in my question regarding the piece being a collectible?  I should also mention that the dealer did have a century vz58 with folding stock for about $300 less.  I did bypass it because of personal experience.  I own a Century FAL .308 and have had problems with it. Specifically the trigger mechanism broke inside.  I also had more jam issues with that gun then my other guns combined.  But to be fair, it could be ammo related since I tend to shoot whatever is affordable through it.

 I was also inquiring about the lack of a date anywhere on the firearm.  Was wondering if there was any significance there?
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 12:07:40 AM by scowl »

Offline vblue42

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2014, 01:22:56 AM »
Yeah there's not much "collectable" value from any clone of rifle so I wouldn't expect the value to increase unless they stop making them or we get another ban scare. You have an excelant rifle regardless of who made it and you should enjoy it to its fullest. Do that by taking to the range.

Offline jwc007

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Re: my new d-technik vz 58
« Reply #37 on: January 16, 2014, 01:54:55 AM »
Funny. Haven't seen a Czechpoint/CSA vs Century bitch fest in a while. ;)

Yup! Sorry I missed the drama, up until now, and I really don't want to see it here again.  >:(

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« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 01:59:57 AM by jwc007 »
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