I just doubt it, I'm sorry I do. I've heard all that talk before. Sounds GREAT on a website and others shake your hands about how much integrity you have..... But in reality, you're full of it. I sleep WELL at night. And if you all want me to believe you WOULD have, in theory, mind you, sold your AR for $900 when it went up to $1900 overnight cuz they banned them, cuz you talked to a COMPLETE stranger the night before who said he'd be by to get it.....I think you all are lying to your yourselves and others.
I guess you want me to believe also, that if you had a car for sale and you were asking $5,000 and some idiot OFFERED you $5,000, that you would say "hey, I WOULD have taken $4,000, I was just ASKING $5,000....." so I won;t take your $5,000, but I'll sell it to you for $4,000 and will only take $4,000 cuz I got character and integrity....
I feel NO SHAME selling for a profit, because I have what they DO NOT, at a time they need it the most. I was planned. I was prepared. I bought several AR15's and 5000 rounds of ammo BEFORE something bad happened.....and then when the bad happens, all the other morons start scouring the streets, looking for guns and ammo.....the SAME guys who made fun of me years back, about why did I feel the need to buy sooooo many guns and soooo much ammo.
It's an idiot tax in my mind and I am going to sell for as much as I can and sleep like a baby at night. How do you all think the world spins? You think if I'm wise enough to buy ATT stock in the 80's and then it goes up OVERNIGHT, I'm supposed to "let my shares go at a reasonable price" cuz I am HONORABLE??? Cuz I have INTEGRITY??? Horse Crap. I sell for CURRENT VALUE. I repeat, CURRENT VALUE. That's what I sell for....not PAST VALUE. And if you all try to make me swallow you'd sell ANYTHING at all for PAST value cuz you're honorable....well I do not believe you. And if you do, you're not smart, that simple.
Something REALLY bad happens to this world, these will be the SAME people begging me for my food stockpile too, when they are starving. You plan, or you don't plan. You don't plan.....oh well, you lose out.
But you all waited until talk of a ban ensued and rumors ran around like they ALWAYS do when someone gets shot and then you all BOUGHT INTO THE MEDIA HYPE and FLOODED gun stores looking for a gun along with 1 million other people....THEN have the NERVE, when it goes up in value overnight to wonder why and CURSE the people selling it so high, even though YOU are to blame, not the gun stores.....and then even worse, COMPLAIN ABOUT IT AND SAY IF IT WAS ME, I WOULD NEVER DO SUCH A THING..... Paleeeeeeeeeese.... People like you ALWAYS say you wouldn't.....cause you're never in a position to do it.....cuz you wait until the last sec to buy.....so you never know if you would or would not.
But don't sit here and tell me if your rent is due and your kids are screaming for food that your HONOR and INTEGRITY would prevent you from selling for a profit.