I was wondering if I could get a little advice on my CZ-75 Compact. I just picked it up today from a gun show for $200 because it looks like it went through a meat grinder and has a trigger problem.
The pistol dry fires flawlessly in single action but when I pull the trigger in double action mode it pulls the hammer back, doesn't release, and lowers the hammer to half-cock.
I was playing around with it and found that when I push the slide down into the frame, it dry fires in double action flawlessly. After I found that out, I field stripped it and applied downward pressure on the trigger unit and it dry fires in double action flawlessly.
Basically something is pushing up on the trigger unit making it raise approximately 1/4 of a mm up off the frame. I took it apart and put it back together - didn't fix it. I noticed that in how it lifts, it rotates on the safety and the rear (hammer end) lifts away from the frame.
Any idea what might be causing this? Is there any way to fix it short of JB welding the ejector assembly to the frame? In all seriousness I honestly considered it but figured the JB weld would fracture from the recoil. I've also considered actually welding the trigger assembly to the frame but then I wouldn't be able to replace any parts.