Went out to the Range where I work part time today, to pick up my AIM special. I get there with one hour to go before I have to pick up my granddaughter from school. Open the box check everything out and bleep it. pull the trigger and nothing... no click, nothing. I burn up my time calling AIM and they try to help me disassemble it over the phone seeing how the striker is back. That didn't happen.
Long story short, I do the paperwork and figure If I can't fix it I'll send it to Century. Now I'm not new to firearms, but I am new to VZ's and this is embarrassing. I guess I just got caught up in not thinking straight because I wanted to put a few mags down range and time was burning. So as I'm 5 miles from the Range driving I break out laughing because it occurred to me that I had the Rifle in the full auto(forward) pos instead of to the rear.
My only previous experience with VZ's was one that was back wards to this. So I get home and she works. Gave her some lube, modded an AK Hogue grip took her out back and fired a few rounds just to be sure. I was so fixed on fixing something that wasn't broke I couldn't see right in front of my eyes.
Anyway, I like it so far. trigger is a bit more lbs than I like but I can fix that. 4 mags perfect, one crusty on the inside and had to break apart, clean it and get rust off the spring. I work Saturday and have all mags loaded and ready.