Last week, at a LGS, I looked at a CZ 83, chambered in .380. I wasn't really interested in a pistol in .380, since I'm not a real fan of the 9mm class of pistols. It was a very meaty, well built pistol. A bit heavy, but not overly so. It balanced well, and the grip, for a double stack, wasn't at all too big. I passed on it; had second thoughts; called the dealer, but it had already been sold.
Fast forward to today. Went in the same LGS, and there in the display case was another CZ 83. This time, however, it was nearly NIB, and chambered in .32 ACP. It looks to be a 2012 manufacture date (just guessing), and came with all the original accoutrements - inner and outer boxes, all paperwork, manuals, lock, and two magazines.
The dealer didn't have any .32ACP ammo, so I traipsed over to another LGS, and picked up a couple of boxes of PMC.
Took it to our club, and tested it a 10 yards. Trigger is a bit soft, but not bad. It fed all 100 rounds, with no FTF's, FTE's, etc. It's a bit heavier than my Beretta 70, but it's a great pistol. It's not as "elegant" as my Beretta 70, but it's designed as a duty pistol. The quality of fit and finish are as good as most any of my US-made 1911's.