In 1981 I traded a Rem. 1100 3" magnum in on a Rem. M700 varmint special in .223.
I tried W748, H335, H322, BLC2, IMR4198, IMR4895, and maybe a couple other powders through it with 45 grain (the thin jacketed bullets Hornady and Sierra used to make) and Sierra's 52 grain match bullets. The most accurate loads were with the 45 grain bullets an IMR4198.
A lot of folks don't like IMR4198 because it doesn't meter very well due to it's shape. But again, I'm not shooting high volumes of ammo through the varmint rifle and groups size is very important. I only shot ground hogs in the head and I wasn't doing it from a bench rest or the truck bed, I was walking, crawling, prone, kneeling with the rifle stuck through a rail fence or sitting down.
When I finally decided to get into AR15's I found IMR 4198 with 55 grain Hornady FMJ bullets gave me better groups than the loads made with the previously listed powders and some new ones added since the 1980's (Varget, H4198 and TAC).
TAC is close, but I'm not quiet happy with it yet. The most accurate loads won't operate my AR15 20" rifle in cold weather. The carbine (16") works great, hot or cold weather, but not the rifle.
You won't have those issues with a bolt gun though.
What's the barrel twist? My M700 is 1 turn in 12". The AR15's are all 1 turn in 9" except for the vARmint rifle (a 24" bull barrel monster I probably didn't need to build) and it has a 1 turn in 10" barrel (slowest I could find at the time).
Good luck with your efforts to come up with an accurate load. It's a lot of fun.