Here is my 83 that I am setting up for EDC.

I got it about a month ago in a trade, I definitely came out on the better end. So far I have had Meprolights installed, swapped out the grips, picked up an extra mag and some Speer Lawman 95gr TMJ. There are still a few things I need to get.
1) Holster? I am kind of leaning towards the Falco shoulder holster system, where the holster can be detached and used a a belt holster. Any input would be appreciated.
2) Extra mags? I see that on Gunbroker, "robertsontradingpost" the seller has 3 factory CZ 82/83 mags for $88.00 shipped. Is that a good price for factory CZ mags?
3) Wolff recoil spring? Jury is still out on that one, still need a little more range time.
I appreciate any input that any other members might have especially first hand. Thanks.