You're welcome. I'm also new to the VZ platform, and have spent and will likely spend more hours studying it.
... my last round seems to not want to feed although everything before it does...
The guy in this thread seemed to have the same last-round feeding problem and goes over what he did to fix it. It doesn't sound as though it's too difficult. You may want to PM him: also noticed a strange anomaly in the receiver on the rails for the bolt. It looks like the lock had been compressed into the top rails (both sides) leaving 2 little crush indents in the rail about half-way in the middle.
Those marks are normal. Both my VZ2008's have done it. I was at first concerned, but after some research found that it happened even in the original select fire VZ58's and that the wear will find its level and stop. You stated that you smoothed it out, and I don't think that will be a problem, but I'd probably just leave it alone if it continues. If the wear is persistent, and gets deeper and deeper, then I'd reinvestigate.
The effort you describe in racking the bolt is the same I've experienced in my VZ2008's. I haven't had any problems. Just rack it like you're mad at it (but why would you be?) and it should be fine.