I have no idea about competition considerations. To me, autos are for "fun." Revolvers are serious business. I carry a S&W J-frame (not listed below). Here are my revolver recommendations, which I hope translate into some usefulness for you.
1) S&W K-Frame Combat Masterpiece. Name says it all. Also known as a Model 15. IMHO, it is the only "perfect handgun," and the only model I truly collect. I have a few CZs that can keep up with these, which is the only reason I stay involved with CZs. If you can see the target, you can draw and hit it in one fluid motion with a Model 15 in DA mode.
2) S&W Model 610. All of the advantages of the Model 25, but it also has the ability to shoot two chamberings: 10mm and .40 S&W. You can't afford or develop 10mm loads in the variants with barrels shorter than 3." They aren't worth the $. FWIW, I have more experience with the Model 25, so the power of 10mm is a significant factor in my rating.
3) S&W Model 25. I own the PC Miculek 625 variant and one older 25. My father has several others. I've never found one that groups as well with Auto Rim cases as .45 ACP on a moon clip, which seems to be the general consensus. All are incredibly accurate and natural pointers. I prefer these and the CZ 97B to any 1911-pattern pistol. I'm not sure if it is the design, experience, confidence, or a combination of these, but the S&W Model 15 and Model 25 feel like extensions of my right arm. I'm just about there with the 610.
4) Ruger Security Six in .357 Magnum. I prefer S&W to Ruger. That said, S&W has never made an equivalent model, nor has Ruger ever captured the same balance in subsequent iterations. If I could only own one handgun, a stainless 4" Security Six might win that contest. I prefer this model over any S&W in .357 Magnum, regardless of frame/sizes/other considerations. The DA mode is easily tuned with a mainspring replacement. Without a doubt, it is the best Ruger model; the GP100 is NOT the same animal, despite the paper specs.