I am still new to CZ just finished SP01 with CGW parts love it! Is there anything I need to know if I order a coversion? Fit, function, reliablity everything good? Does cheap bulk ammo work OK?
Does it have to ship to FFL?
There are a few small modifications you can do to the Kadet kit if you run into and feeding or other issues. They are available here on the forums. I have found it to be an exceptionally accurate 22LR conversion (Go take a look at what Jo L has done with his). The Kadet Kit is built tough to last a life time or more. All of the fitting procedure is covered in the Kadet Kit manual. Fitting can be accomplished with a good file and a little time. Just take your time. Ask here on the forums if you run into trouble.
Typically, pistol slides can be shipped direct to the buyer. Pistol frames are normally the regulated part of a pistol.
Your most likely issue will be finding cheep 22LR ammo to feed it.