Author Topic: Consolidated tuning mods for a Kadet - expert effort requested  (Read 1594 times)

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Offline alternety

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Consolidated tuning mods for a Kadet - expert effort requested
« on: November 15, 2014, 05:41:30 PM »
There were a real flurry of posts a while back about making the Kadet more reliable. And trying to explain why some work and some don't. I have read pretty much everything. But there are no consolidated recommendations by experts for minimum/multiple changes to consistently get a properly functioning Kadet.

My current perception:

Make sure everything is smooth and easy to slide.
Polish parts on the magazine (top and inside) and lube.
Potentially have a new firing pin made like the one eivind demonstrated in the Extended Kadet Firing Pin thread that puts a notch in the rear of an extended FP to limit travel.
And that may not be enough. Or it may be excessive.

I would, and I suspect others would, appreciate it if the people that were really getting dirty trying to resolve various problems could provide a consolidated updated list here of recommended effective alterations. Some problems had multiple solutions. So filtering down to best practices would be very helpful. Essentially, a list of actions one should take when taking a new Kadet out of the box. I don't feel I should do copy and paste of the things scattered about. I simply do not have the expertise to select.

I have a CGW modded CZ75 SP01 Tactical that got their full treatment and would like to be able to use a Kadet sitting on the assorted changes made by CGW without fooling around with different springs, hammers, etc. I do not want to invalidate the work I paid CGW to do. I would really like to prep the Kadet so I can simply replace uppers to use either 9mm or .22.

You guys with crazy good skills out there, please think about working to a consensus on this thread for an agenda to implement on any new Kadet. It may fix issues that do not exist on any given kit, but after implementation it will make any kit a plug and play device. Sorta like CZ should do.

And if there is a consensus, it could be a good service opportunity for people out there who do this sort of thing commercially (CGW comes to mind).
« Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 05:45:16 PM by alternety »

Offline jameslovesjammie

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Re: Consolidated tuning mods for a Kadet - expert effort requested
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2014, 06:00:37 PM »
I don't have a Kadet, but it seems like 90+% of problems are resolved with a heavier mainspring.

Offline Firemanjones

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Re: Consolidated tuning mods for a Kadet - expert effort requested
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 07:33:11 PM »
I used a 13# hammer spring the other day with a CGW Kadet FP with no problems, but I was shooting Velocitors.
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Offline DenStinett

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Re: Consolidated tuning mods for a Kadet - expert effort requested
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2014, 09:57:02 PM »
Sorry to say, BUT the Extended Firing Pin has shown "some" promise, but it's not the fix that everyone was hoping for
Some have gone with a lighter Firing Pin Spring and seen better reliability
A 15 - 17 lb Hammer Spring seems to be the lightest to maintain 100% reliability
The 13 lb Hammer Spring is not as reliable, but does depend on other factors too
Ammo type IS a major key to reliability
Try different Manufactures / Round types and record their performance / reliability
Give yourself the best chance for 100% reliability by using the best Ammo for your application
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