
What is your favorite handgun sport?  If you shoot more than one, pick the one you like the most.

30 (57.7%)
12 (23.1%)
NRA Bullseye or CMP Pistol EIC
5 (9.6%)
Something else (please describe)
5 (9.6%)

Total Members Voted: 52

Author Topic: What is your favorite handgun sport?  (Read 10363 times)

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Offline motosapiens

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #45 on: October 14, 2014, 12:52:43 PM »
I must admit, I prefer time plus.    It is easier.

time plus is easier, but it's also worse, imho.

with time-plus, a malfunction on a 4 round stage can totally kill your match. With hit-factor scoring, bigger stages are worth more than smaller stages, but even a disaster on one stage won't move you from first to last.

I find uspsa scoring pretty simple. Just shoot as many points per second as you can.

Offline dave33

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #46 on: November 25, 2014, 11:06:32 AM »
My favorite gun game is a tie between steel challenge and NRA action pistol/Bianchi matches, followed by IDPA.  Havent shot USPSA yet but plan to and have a feeling it will push IDPA a little farther down the list.

Offline Tanners Owner

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #47 on: December 18, 2014, 09:53:26 PM »
I slightly prefer IDPA, as my wife & daughter shoot that with me, and the IDPA crowd was more welcoming to them as novice shooters as a whole. It also is less costly to get in.

Additionally, where I live,  IDPA matches are held all year long at most clubs, USPSA closes at many ( not mine ;D) during the winter months.

I also shoot and immensely enjoy USPSA, love the hoser stages.

I often tell people it's like baseball & softball, similar sports with slightly different rules & equipment- one is not necessarily better, just different. I say shoot the games, improve your gun handling, performance and most importantly have fun (safely).
« Last Edit: December 21, 2014, 04:30:46 PM by Tanners Owner »
Like a midget at a urinal, I'll have to keep on my toes

Offline Bill9mm

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2014, 05:31:12 PM »
I'm going to wait until I see the new IDPA rules before I answer the poll.  ;)

It will be either IDPA or USPSA.

Offline Smitty79

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2014, 08:00:41 PM »
I sure would like to see IDPA allow non-members be able to shoot local matches without joining.    I would like to shoot maybe 3 a year and the thought of having to pay $40 that and shoot an annual classifier turns me off.   I would happily pay an extra few bucks a match so that HQ gets the money they need to operate.
Don't mistake my high post count for knowledge or wisdom.   I just like hearing myself type.

Offline 2morechains

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #50 on: December 26, 2014, 08:06:38 PM »
I sure would like to see IDPA allow non-members be able to shoot local matches without joining.    I would like to shoot maybe 3 a year and the thought of having to pay $40 that and shoot an annual classifier turns me off.   I would happily pay an extra few bucks a match so that HQ gets the money they need to operate.

You are not alone in that sentiment. 

Offline CZ SA

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2015, 02:23:47 PM »
My favorite is the Steel Challenge....
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Offline JKF159

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #52 on: January 14, 2015, 09:09:08 AM »
  I like IDPA, USPSA and Steel Challenge about equally but for different reasons. While they are all different they are all three about speed with enough accuracy to get the best score.
  For those that continue to debate between IDPA and USPSA, both games are about speed. The accuracy involved is fixed. All "A's" or all "down zero's" is the best that you can do. Past that speed is all that there is. As far as accuracy is concerned, it doesn't take a super highly skilled marksman to hit a 10" circle(IDPA) or a 6 X 11 inch A zone (USPSA) every shot at the ranges that these games are played. In other words, don't assume that a very fast USPSA competitor that has several C's in their stage doesn't have the accuracy skills needed to hit all A's. Anybody can hit all A's if they take enough time. Speed is the variable in the game.
  Assuming that everybody should be able to hit the center of the target it all boils down to who does it faster. Since shooting fast is way, way, way more difficult than shooting slowly there will be less than perfect hits. Each shooter must evaluate how fast he/she can go compared with the points dropped to see what speed produces the best score. The best score wins, not the most accurate.
  Again, accuracy and speed are both important but since maximum accuracy is fixed and should be easily attained by every shooter then that leaves speed as the deciding factor in both IDPA and USPSA.

Offline 2morechains

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #53 on: January 14, 2015, 10:30:31 AM »
  I like IDPA, USPSA and Steel Challenge about equally but for different reasons. While they are all different they are all three about speed with enough accuracy to get the best score.
  For those that continue to debate between IDPA and USPSA, both games are about speed. The accuracy involved is fixed. All "A's" or all "down zero's" is the best that you can do. Past that speed is all that there is. As far as accuracy is concerned, it doesn't take a super highly skilled marksman to hit a 10" circle(IDPA) or a 6 X 11 inch A zone (USPSA) every shot at the ranges that these games are played. In other words, don't assume that a very fast USPSA competitor that has several C's in their stage doesn't have the accuracy skills needed to hit all A's. Anybody can hit all A's if they take enough time. Speed is the variable in the game.
  Assuming that everybody should be able to hit the center of the target it all boils down to who does it faster. Since shooting fast is way, way, way more difficult than shooting slowly there will be less than perfect hits. Each shooter must evaluate how fast he/she can go compared with the points dropped to see what speed produces the best score. The best score wins, not the most accurate.
  Again, accuracy and speed are both important but since maximum accuracy is fixed and should be easily attained by every shooter then that leaves speed as the deciding factor in both IDPA and USPSA.

^Well said.  Welcome to the forum!

Offline Towns

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #54 on: January 18, 2015, 09:47:54 AM »
I wasn't going to sacrifice time shooting with my boys for time shooting with my friends.  I would rather sit at a bench with my boys and have a competition shooting shotgun hulls and pop bottles at 25 yards with .22's.  That's just where my priorities lie at this time.  For now, the most fun I have shooting is with my kids.
    Now THIS ^^^^^ is my favorite handgun sport. I couldn't agree more James. [emoji2]
My boys are now 22, 16, and 15.  I shot an IDPA match yesterday with the 22 and 16 year old.   Time before that it was me, the 22 year old and the 15 year old.  It was cool hearing the squad names called out and hearing our names.  Very hard to beat a day like that. 

I voted for IDPA simply because that's all I've done thus far.
Joe L is giving me tips and inspiration to do Bullseye one day.

There is a limited way to plan your stages in IDPA:  Think about how to best expend your 10+1 rounds so that you'll be behind cover for your mag change.  I did this yesterday, on one stage and got a very good time and 0 down for the stage.  I also realized I would NOT be counting rounds and planning mag changes in a real life self defense encounter.  But, still think training like this is LIGHT years away of no training at all

And did I say it was FUN :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 09:53:57 AM by Towns »
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― G.K. Chesterton

Offline PJM

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Re: What is your favorite handgun sport?
« Reply #55 on: January 18, 2015, 04:25:26 PM »
Just having one...