Author Topic: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?  (Read 11788 times)

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Offline mountaincoulee

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CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« on: February 23, 2009, 02:07:08 PM »
Do you know why on SP-01s, the serial number is preceded by a human figure encompassed by a capital 'N'?  Could this figure be a proof mark? The figure appears on the barrel, the slide, the frame but is not explained on the CZ website or the owner's manual.

This human profile figure looks like an old medieval design, perhaps a soldier wielding a pike or trident. CZ Brno has been making armaments for centuries, perhaps this is an old heraldic design... Reminds me of similar stampings on European chef knives.

Also, there are two impact marks -small indentations- on the edge of my barrel lug, perhaps those marks are from proofing?

Finally, the number 08 appears in large type on the slide, just in front of the human figure and serial number. Can someone confirm if this 08 is the year of manufacture?

Offline ResOps

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 05:59:40 PM »
I'll be interested in hearing too! Mine has an 09 in front of the stikman :P

Offline CM Rich

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 06:18:18 PM »
Its actually not a human figure, but rather a lion standing on his hind legs with a paw in the air. Its a Czech proofmark. All CZ should have them, at least all the ones I've run across. If you're missing that mark from any of the usual places, there's something wrong.

Could you post pictures of the marks on your barrel lug? I'm not sure what they could be.

And "08" is indeed the year of manufacture. Before 2008, the year of manufacture was found in an oval behind the breech face, above the extractor. More than likely, this is simply a cost cutting move, as it save an extra step in the proofing and marking process.

Offline valynor

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2009, 06:22:12 PM »
Do you know why on SP-01s, the serial number is preceded by a human figure encompassed by a capital 'N'?  Could this figure be a proof mark? The figure appears on the barrel, the slide, the frame but is not explained on the CZ website or the owner's manual.

A macro picture would help. :)

Over here in Germany the "icon over 'N'" is used to designate the gun was proof-fired for use with nitro powders.
Have a look at this page:


Offline CM Rich

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2009, 06:34:31 PM »
Thank you for that link, Valynor. The picture called "Tschechische Republik" on that page is a close up of the Czech proofmark. You can see the lion's backward's facing legs more clearly.

I've also heard it referred to as a griffin. However, the lion has been a symbol of the Czech people for quite some time. Check out this article for some more backstory:

Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic

Note the simularity between the lions depicted there and that proofmark.

Offline mountaincoulee

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2009, 08:46:54 PM »
You guys are ON IT that's for sure: a lion rampant with N for Nitro ! Very classy on CZ's part. Valynor, thanks for that link to the German proofing site.

I like to know these obscure things: nothing comes out of a vacuum. Plus this confirms these handguns come from an illustrious and proven lineage.

I became aware, at an early age, of the Czech's proficiency in this field of small arms. It was the CZ-Brno designed squad machine gun that the Brits were licensed to produce prior to WW2. It was made in the Enfield factory, in cal .303 British, which explains the weapon's name: Bren

CM Rich, I can't show you a pic of the two impact marks on the barrel lug. They look like striker marks, two small conical holes about 5mm apart - probably made by the kind of spring-loaded impact tool used to measure the hardness of metals.

ResOps it looks like yours was manufactured this year, freshly minted so to speak. I shot a small Bianchi match with mine yesterday and came in 9 out of 10, but won Production div. - there were only two shooters in Prod. lol. But I also won the match fees, $150 in all. Looks like the 08 is a good vintage and will bring me luck.  ;)

Offline ResOps

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2009, 09:15:48 PM »
Hey MC congrats on the day to you - sounds like it paid for itself although and day you get to enter something like that is a win/win.
Yea mines hot off the line :D.  I have it all degreased and ready to go so now its wait #2 (club ATT) ;) But thats OK  I'll get myself comfortable with it here at home......

Offline CM Rich

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2009, 09:51:54 PM »
Hmm, you got me there on those marks on your lug. Neither my '78 CZ 75 nor my '07 75B have any such markings. Maybe it's an SP-01 thing? I haven't had the opportunity to take apart an SP-01 (sadly)- those guns are supposedly manufactured to a higher standard of quality than "run of the mill" CZ 75s, and that's sayin' something! In that regard, a hardness test on the barrels would certainly fit into that higher standard motiff.

God, I need a Shadow.

Offline mountaincoulee

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2009, 10:10:51 PM »
quote: "God I need a Shadow"

CM Rich, this need you have, is it:

1. a feverish dull body ache?
2. a searing throb at the temples?
3. a blinding scorching lance of white light on the brain?

Right about now, I'd guess that ResOps has a good case of 'blue balls'.

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2009, 07:38:04 AM »
naw MC ~ I just wanna hold it ;) and since I'm having so much trouble finding ammo here I have a meeting with boss from down south today and he's bringing supplies :D

Offline CZMania!!1!

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #10 on: February 24, 2009, 02:50:03 PM »
"God I need a Shadow"

I understand you completely.  I was jonesing for an SP-01 like you wouldn't believe.  I tried holding out, but it proved unbearable.  It was far worse than any buyers remorse I thought I might get if I gave into temptation, so I bought it!  Now the jonesing is gone (replaced by a lot of CZ fondling), and no buyers remorse either.  I love the gun too much!
« Last Edit: February 24, 2009, 07:01:39 PM by CZMania!!1! »

Offline ResOps

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Re: CZ proof marks? "man figure over N"?
« Reply #11 on: February 24, 2009, 06:29:32 PM »
funny thing - I had my heart set on a Glock - went to the local shop and was ready to purchase one. My boss ( a 4 hour away remote kind of boss) was in the service in the land of CZ and recommended I look at the SP01 and boom- after reading many many reviews I was now set on a SP01. Then after joining and reading here(I was interested in the basic or Tactical) I found my final re-birth in the Shadow. :)
I had 200 rds of 147g American Eagle dropped of today and now may need a sick day( permitting) Or I wait till the weekend.
Sorry I digress....yeah as MC stated I got the need.... 8)