I haven't used the Bushnell First Strike but i did try a Burris FastFire 3 for a bit. Same form factor. I had it mounted on a bonesteel upper rail.
I wanted to like it but there were 2 things I found that I didn't like:
1. Too small. I found it difficult to get a quick sight picture.
2. sits too high to cowitness (if that matters to you).
I tried different mount heights, and an adjustable cheek riser, but just couldn't like it.
Traded the FF3 for an aimpoint compM2. This gives a very easy to acquire sight picture and does cowitness on the bonesteel rail.
FWIW I also ran a Bushnell TRS-32, which is the same form as the aimpoint, and other than not being an aimpoint, it functioned well for range duties.