Author Topic: Possible way to make a shorter reset?  (Read 1461 times)

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Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Possible way to make a shorter reset?
« on: September 01, 2015, 11:18:45 PM »
To all of you experienced tinkerers and gun smiths. Is this feasible or tested?

I was looking at my CZ 75 Compact (all steel frame, manual safety) and trying to figure out how to shorten the reset with the firing pin block staying in the gun. I have the SRS 2 from CGW, a single action only trigger, and the competition hammer. I was watching the firing pin block lifter raise the firing pin block and then checking the point where the firing pin could move freely (disengaged from the firing pin block). Then I figured I could file away the face of the firing pin block that rests on top of the firing pin. Removing enough material to reduce the distance needed to disengage the firing pin block, but obviously keeping it as a functioning safety mechanism.

I tried it, and after a few tests and reinstalling I could notice a difference. I didn't want to ruin the firing pin block so I didn't take it as far as I could have, but it worked. Now I can take material off the face of the firing pin block lifter that contacts the trigger bar, thus reducing the reset distance. I snagged some pictures of the parts and tried to put arrows and explain what I did in the photo. I hope it comes through and makes sense (my parts were already installed and I didn't want to take them out for a 5th time tonight).

Thoughts, feedback, anyone tested this? I'm not the best with searching with the forum's search function, so please share links if there are posts that I didn't find about this from the histories and back logs.

Here's a quick video of where my reset is after working on the firing pin block.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 01:57:49 AM by Scarlett Pistol »
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Offline rich63

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Re: Possible way to make a shorter reset?
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2015, 09:16:28 AM »
I'm sure when schmeky sees this new thread he will give the pros and cons of this.  Interesting stuff though.


Offline schmeky

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Re: Possible way to make a shorter reset?
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2015, 12:39:54 PM »
It is entirely possible to make a "particular" CZ have a shorter reset in SA.  We have hand tuned them, with the firing pin block in place, down to 2mm's, or essentially the same a non-FP block version.

However, on a mass scale, this is not feasible.  Also keep in mind as you lower the reset you also reduce the effectiveness of the FP block safety, since removing metal from the block and/or firing pin reduces the effective amount of metal that keeps the system safe.  On a competition gun this is acceptable.  On a carry or SD gun, it is not.

The reset has absolutely no bearing on the placement of a first shot, as in carry or SD.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2015, 04:09:41 PM by schmeky »

Offline Scarlett Pistol

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Re: Possible way to make a shorter reset?
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2015, 12:49:38 PM »
That definitely makes sense. Once I saw the material removal working I thought about making it really short but I was hesitant for the exact reasons you mentioned. Good to know it's been done to tune specific guns and is safe depending on the material left in place. Thanks for chiming in Schmeky!
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