I have a new CZ75 P-01 compact with about 700 rounds fired. It has been having failure-to-feed issues from the get-go (two during the first 50 rds) and some stove piping, too. I've seen rounds stuck parallel to the feed ramp, assorted angles from maybe 30 degrees up to approx 45,as well as being anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2" away from being properly seated in the chamber. All seem to have the bullet touching the top of the chamber. Some show an angled dent on the tip of the bullet, probably from its initial collision with the feed ramp or maybe from hitting the top of the firing chamber. (I'll have to be careful extracting the next failed rounds, to note if the dent is on top or below). I've considered that it might have been a break-in issue, or operator error, as I'm new to CZs. A gunsmith said that mine might have been one of the "C-", baddayontheassemblyline guns, and that it needed a trigger job and work on the ejector. Now fresh out of "rehab", failure-to-feed is still occurring 10% of the time, and from any of three mags, (assorted ammo, including factory Blazer Brass and Remington, and high-quality reloads from a trusted source(all measured within specs after being removed from their stuck position)). All rounds easily slip into the barrel when it is removed from the slide.
I doubt that limp-wristing is involved. I was government trained, have about 7500 rds experience, mostly 40cal and 9mm, mostly H & K and Walther.
I am hoping for some ideas or insight while I wait for the gunsmith to return from vacation.
Thanks for your thoughts.