Installed the stainless mag brakes today (bought 3 of them). The fit on the 97BD is OK, it is a little short and it doesn't completely cover the protrusions for the grip screws. I don't think that it will cause mag insertion issues (hanging up) but during my next practice session I will be sure to test it out. There is a slight mag hangup on the protrusion but I don't know if it is a problem or not? It only hangs up if you insert the mag way out of alignment (mag pointed toward the rear of the frame) such that the rear of the mag feed lips get hung up.
The fit in my SP-01 was much better. It still doesn't cover the grip screw protrusion but the mag is not able to catch on the protrusions on the SP-01.
I attempted to install one in the 40P but it needed some trimming to fit on the compact frame. Once all trimmed to fit, the grip screw protrusions stick out too far. Mag insertion hangs up on the grip screw protrusions to much to keep this mag brake installed. I wouldn't recommend the stainless mag brake on the compact frame CZ's.
I should have took a picture but didn't think about it during the install. Here is a tutorial (not mine) that has the stainless mag brake shown along with the grip screw protrusions. a positive note, I don't think I will be able to shove/mangle this brake into the frame. It's significantly thicker than the OEM version.