Author Topic: Milsurp CZ 83 sight questions  (Read 2467 times)

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Offline Al W.

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Milsurp CZ 83 sight questions
« on: June 18, 2018, 09:21:45 AM »
Hi folks,
 I bought a milsurp 83 from a dealer on one of the auction sites a couple of months ago and have had some fun , cleaning it up and replacing the grips , swapping out some springs , developing a load for .380 and generally getting the feel of my new pistol.
 Its a solid piece of goods and I'm well pleased with its fit and function but though it is shooting well it is not shooting to point of aim.
 So I'm looking for sight suggestions.
 I know that I can get some parts from CZ and have a request sent to them for parts number information for rear sights of different heights .
 I have not as of yet drifted out my sight to see if it is numbered , but I suppose my question is if you forum folks have found a great after market sight for the 83.
 I'm totally happy with the stock sight by the way. Like the sight picture , but was wondering if you have found anything that stands out from the crowd in the way of sights .
 Its a nice smooth gun and although its a .380 I like to shoot targets at 25 yards , this gun groups at 25 but its all low and left.
 So the search is on .
Thanks in advance gun people !

Offline flyrod40

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Re: Milsurp CZ 83 sight questions
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2018, 11:44:28 PM »
Have you had anyone else shoot it to see if their point of impact is the same?  No offense, just a way to eliminate operator error.  Often, low and left means you are jerking the trigger, even though you don't realize you are.  Find one of those targets on the internet that tells you what you are doing wrong based upon your point of impact.  Good luck and keep us posted.

Offline sberres

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Re: Milsurp CZ 83 sight questions
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2018, 01:30:08 PM »
  I also recently obtained a surplus 83.  It was good and dirty with a little bit of light rust in some of the recesses but seems to have cleaned up nicely.  It consistently shoots low for me and I would like to swap out the rear sight to bring up the POI some.  When I was tearing it down I attempted to drift the rear sight a bit but couldn't get it to budge.  I tried a bigger hammer and was able to shift it ever so slightly but nowhere near freely enough that I can think about using my sight pusher.
  Any ideas?  I suppose that there could be a little bit of corrosion holding it.  I doubt it would have been positioned with Loctite and it just has a simple staking that looks like it should give if it gets persuaded well enough.
  I guess my next trick would be a heat gun and if that doesn't work toss it into a pan of penetrating oil for a week or so.  I also haven't tried to secure the slide in a vise or anything yet; it's just been on the bench block so far.
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Offline sberres

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Re: Milsurp CZ 83 sight questions
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2018, 04:11:48 PM »
  The heat gun and a lot of beating on a brass punch and I got it out. The replacement tapped right in with no fitting needed. It?s not loose but I?ll restake it after finding how close to center it is. I went from a #2 to #6. We?ll just have to see.
Alcohol, tobacco, and firearms should be the name of a convenience store, not a government agency.