Author Topic: Our journey of gun collecting... a long and winding road... whats your story?  (Read 1776 times)

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Offline dirtyharriet

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I am hoping this thread creates some interesting conversations about the different paths that we all have taken in our gun collecting journeys. Well my motivation for this thread was created by a trip down memory lane a few days ago when I was looking through my old gun pics file that I have not really looked at in years. I saw several group shots of firearms from some of our previous gun collections of years past and noticed that in some of the pictures we have traded or sold every single one of them since those pics were taken. It really got me to thinking about the journey we have experienced in this amazing hobby. I can only speak for my sister and I... but I know that our journey has been a long and winding road to where we are today.

When we first started collecting we were all over the place and purchased mostly lower cost firearms. There is nothing wrong with this method but we ended up with a very large hodgepodge collection of assorted firearms with absolutely no direction at all. After a few years of this... sticker shock truly started to wear off. After a while we wanted to trade 2 of those $500 guns for one $1000 gun. After a while of doing that we wanted to trade 5 of those $1000 guns for one $5000 gun. Both of these examples are not exact but I think you can start to easily get the idea.

Well after years of shooting and owning a very large assortment of firearms... we finally found focus and a preferred direction to go in. The main passion for us is those evil black rifles... lol. We just can't get enough of the higher end modern military style firearms. We appreciate the classic old school stuff too and used to own many of them... but just have a personal preference for the newer modern stuff. Fortunately for us we've had lots of friends in this wonderful hobby with some amazing collections that were gracious enough to let us shoot many of them. We've been lucky enough to shoot almost everything from full auto MG42s... to full auto M2HBs... and most everything in between.   

We are just now starting to spread our wings into the NFA arena with SBRs and suppressors. When we finally finish this phase 2 of our journey... we will hopefully move on to phase 3 which will be transferable full auto. I don't know with the rising cost of ammo and the outrageous prices of transferable FA firearms if we will ever truly get to cross that bridge. I do know however that no matter what happens... we truly love this hobby and will remain range rats till our last breaths.  Please tell us YOUR story!!!
« Last Edit: October 26, 2015, 11:34:07 PM by dirtyharriet »

Offline zormpas

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I don't know if my story is particularly remarkable, but here goes...

My wife and I both grew up in "gun families", but the bug didn't really bite until my dad passed and left me his guns. He was a WW II vet - so I've been collecting C&R WW II military pistols. Needed something modern to shoot so I wasn't shooting my Luger, P.38, et al all the time - after a ton of research I centered on the CZ 75 BD and couldn't be happier. My wife is a revolver gal, she loves to plug away with her Security Six. I'm in the process of acquiring a 1945 Walther PP, if the Post Office will ever deign to deliver it to my FFL!  >:(

Yea, its an expensive hobby - but so is Belly Dance, which is my other major time/money pit.

Offline puddintame

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I started out with a P01 and was hooked. after that I joined this forum and started reading about everyone else's experience with other CZ's. my collection grew to five in a couple years. P01,Rami,SP01,75B SS, and BD. I have since thinned out the herd to my two favs. the BD. and I flipped the P01 for the PCR. both with def carry packages from CGW. I had to make the decision because I realized I was becoming a collector [which is fine] but I don't earn a collectors salary :-[ all the CZ's I owned were fine shooters and I had a blast at the range with them. but the BD and PCR will always be mine till the day I croak.

Offline Biggolden

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I collected modern S&W revolvers for a decade and amassed about a hundred or so in various calibers. Then the CZ bug bit me and I sold every S&W. Now I'm content with a half-dozen CZ's - three 75B's  and a Rami in 9mm, plus a .22 Kadet. Given my advanced age, I'm content with what I now have and don't expect to add any others.

Offline dirtyharriet

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Great stories so far guys... keep em coming!!!!

Offline bang bang

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my start on my addiction began in high school.  A good friend took me out shooting and that was it.

I look for more 22LR than anything else.  When i bought my first 2 guns i did some research and found that most if not all manufactures made 22LR of some sort.  I figured that if i started to collect 45 ACP for example, i would be able to finish my collection sometime.  Well if that happened, then what?  So i figured if i choose 22LR that i would never finish the collection.  But i like the pursuit and the try.  Also learning about the many various 22LR guns out there. 

during that time, i have branched off into 45acp, 10mm and CZs.  Also if any of you have any "trainers" those in 22LR.  those can take a chunk of change to purchase.

right now I'm selling (downsizing) some of my collection, but i have found that i have also bought a few new toys too.

Offline dlmoak

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I've only been shooting for about 2 1/2 years I think.  My first purchase was a Springfield XD 9mm.  I shot the gun pretty well (took a few hours of lessons and practiced regularly), but decided that the gun was not appropriate for concealed carry, given what I have to wear to work, etc.  Added a Springfield EMP 9mm for carry.  I had some issues with the gun and eventually decided it would not work for me, so I sold it.  Then went to s Sig Sauer p938 Nightmare.  Again, a few issues with the pistol.  Both the Sig and the EMP had occasional failures to feed.  The size was small enough for my carry needs but I needed more grip to control the shots.  In the meantime I had added a Sig Sauer Mosquito .22 to practice for accuracy.  The Mosquito was very picky about ammo and if I used ammo that consistency worked, I shot high and to the left (not a problem with the Springfield XD).  So I sold the Mosquito and bought a S&W M&P 442 .22 which I have been very happy with.  I became disenchanted with the XD as I gained shooting experience.  Nothing wrong with the gun, but it just felt too loose.  Bought a CZ 75B at a gun show about a year ago because I had read a lot about them and the feel of the grip in my hand was better than anything I had ever held.  I never looked back.  Eventually decided that a pocket revolver would best suit my carry needs so I sold the Nightmare and bought a S&W 442 .38 special, which I am also very happy with.  So I'm not a collector and I don't anticipate adding any guns, but of course I could be wrong ;).  I have the 75, the .22 and the .38.  I drove over to CGW a little while back (about two hours away) and am getting the defensive package with the old eyes sights done.  I should have it back shortly and am looking forward to it.

Offline RhodyCZ

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Really have never thought of myself as a gun collector, however many people would consider me as such.  If you count an air rifle, I started shooting at about 5 years old.  Been at it for well over half a century.  Lived in rural Missouri for part of my childhood and owned both a rifle and shotgun by the time I was twelve. 

Guns Laws back in the late 60s and 70s were nothing like they are today.  I recall guns being sold by mail order, at garage sales, at gas stations and in the ad section of the local paper.  At a young age I was very attracted to military surplus guns.  Can't really say how many passed through my hands decades ago.  They were inexpensive and seemed to be everywhere.  Unfortunately I sold almost all of them when I finished school and decided to join the Marines.  If anything the Corps just added to my passion as I had the opportunity to fire weapons and weapon systems that were nothing short of incredible.

I have for years bought, shot and hunted with various firearms that appealed to me at the time.  Some I considered expensive and were only purchased after a great deal of research and thought.  Other I have bought on a whim.  I very seldom have acquired a firearm that I don't thoroughly enjoy.  As a practice, I no longer really sell anything I buy.  I have found that even if I stop shooting a firearm because I have more interest in something else, I generally will come back to that firearm at some time in the future.
Some of the firearms I wish I had back the most, are firearms I thought at the time that I was done with them for good.  Lesson learned.

Offline DenStinett

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Some cool stories here, so here?s mine:
I guess I?ve always been into ?Guns?
My late father taught me Firearm Safety and how to shoot using his Winchester Model 72 Target at the age of 3
Started-out shooting CBCaps in the backyard and then 22LRs at the Range later
So his Model 72 Target became mine
For my High School Grad present to myself, I bought my first Handgun; an Old Model, Blackhawk 357/9mm Combo, and I was hooked on the SA ?Hog Leg?
I then bought the Super Blackhawk and a Super single Six (all Old Model, Three Screws)
Bought a Marlin Levergun to pair-up with each of the Hog Legs and a Rossi Hammer Coach for good measure
So I've got my ?Cowboy Thing? covered   8)
When the Redhawk came-out in 357, I had to have one and that lead to a 44 Redhawk and a Security Six (which I should never have sold)
Do we see a pattern forming ?
Later-on, I ended-up adding an SP101 in .22wmr and then one in .327fm
Didn?t get into Semi Auto until much later
The idea of chasing Brass all-over hell and creation never appealed to me   :o
Bought and sold a Fire Star 9mm, that became a Glock 20 (which I had for only a few weeks) that became my Delta Gold Cup
Bought my first CZ; a 75B-SA that came with a KADET Kit
I had already had the ?ACE? Conversion for the Colt, so the KADET Kit made perfect sense
And then of course, came the CZ75 Semi Compact, that has since gone thru a couple transformations
Added a Full Sized Witness set-up in 10mm (Compact Upper and a Longslide), with its own 22 Conversion
Then there's my ?Girlfriend, Marianne?; an M1a sporting an ArchAngel Stock and hella Optics
Almost forgot to mention ?The TOY"; An MG20-M4, which is a MechTech/Glock20 in an M4 configuration
A few other Rifles, Shotguns and ?Airguns? thrown in from time to time
So tell me again how Trump was worse then the 8 years before .... AND what's coming after HIM !

Offline Winn

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I also started out with air rifles, by the time I was 10 my dad gave me my first gun a 12 gauge. By the time I move out I had 5 gun that were stolen shortly after and had to start over

I started with a shotgun and started shooting sporting clays. A few years later I want to get in rifles and shoot distance for me 500 yds or less. I accumulated 4 guns for this and was done only for fun.

  Now I'm into pistols my first was a Kimber team match. I took it to a USPSA match and found out it wasn't the right gun for the me. I found out about CZ's and having fun with it now

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Joe L

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As a kid, I only had a single shot 22 rifle and a pump 22 rifle.  No pistols.  Half a centurey later visited a friend who lived in the country that wanted me to go with him to shoot an AK that he was working on.  He also needed to put a few rounds through some pistols.  We took turns.  I shot the pistols well first time.  When we got home, I inquired of one of my other friends if he had any pistols that I could try and would he take me to the range as a guest.  Borrowed a SIG P-239 9mm.  After one range session, I signed up for an IDPA match and paid my dues to the gun club.  Participated in the match, ordered a SIG P-226.  Shot the monthly club matches for a couple of years, attended one weekend shooting class with Bruce Gray, finally really learned to shoot well. 

Read about the CZ's on SigForum.  Found a 75B and a Kadet conversion, stopped buying SIGs, learned about and bought a .308 Savage bolt gun and an Stag Arms 2T AR, mainly for my education, got my CHL, then bought two P-09's when they came out, stopped IDPA and started Bullseye. 

Pistol shooting started out as a fascination with the hardware and engineering.  I am past that now.  I am now fascinated with the mental aspects and challenges of consistently shooting a pistol well.  But I have the best hardware and parts from CGW (and CZ Custom) and can concentrate on the mental challenges now.  Bullseye competition does that.  I have seen the challenges and they are in my mind. 

Funny thing is that I can now shoot the rifles and the original SIG pistols far better now every time I pick them up than I could two years ago as a result of training for bullseye.  And my favorite handgun is still a CZ 75 with a Kadet conversion, followed closely by a CGW 97 and my all stainless SIG P-226. 

This is fun.  This is not easy. 

CZ-75B 9mm and Kadet, 97B"E", two P-09's, P-07, P-10C, P-10F, P-10S, MTR

Offline Wunderneun

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I started collecting Walthers in the early '80's while serving in the Air Force. Bought and sold and traded a lot. The collection is more modest these days having sold off many to fund other interests or projects. I have been researching for nearly as long and soak up just about anything I can read about the Walther company up to about 1996. I don't have as much interest in the Umarex owned Walther nor the handguns they produce except for the PPS of which there is one in the collection.

Though I don't collect them like Walthers, I've been known to keep a few HK's and SIG-Sauer handguns around too.

The CV Scorpion EVO3 S1 is my only CZ currently, but the CZ82 and CZ83 have always been two of my favorites and I'll have to do something about that itch.

Offline boilermaker1

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Mines pretty simple. Born in raised around guns since birth down here in South GA. Grandpa gave me my 1st .22 when I was 6. Over last 30 years collected mainly shotguns (clays shooter) and a few pistols here and there. Buddy turned me onto to AR platform rifles last fall and I have managed to add (6) to my collection in the last 2 months. then with the Obama NFA-Firearms stuff. Just this week I have purchased (4) suppressors and filed for stamps for (4) Short barrel rifle future builds