I've been carrying a Kahr PM9 concealed for 5 years now. It's light, I shoot it well, and it carries phenomenally. My only gripe about it is that it only holds 6+1, and I'm not a fan of carrying an extra magazine as I've already got limited pocket space. Now that it's cold out, and heavier clothing has become the norm, I have been tossing around the idea of picking up a RAMI BD as a "cold weather carry". The extra 4 rounds being my justification, but if I'm being completely honest, I really just have that itch to buy a new gun, and I've become quite the CZ fanboy over the years (currently own 4). So I'd love to add another CZ to my gun safe.
My question for those of you with RAMIs as well as other carry options. How often do you actually carry your RAMI? My fear is that I'll buy the RAMI for carry, but end up carrying my PM9 over it the majority of the time. I've watched pretty much every video there is on Youtube about the RAMI for carry, and everyone seems to choose lighter/smaller polymer framed pistols over it every time. Is it really just a niche gun? Or do you guys choose to carry it over your other carry options on a regular basis?