Just installed the CGW Pro Package with the priceless help of Joemustang99's videos. Brought the double action pull weight down to 7 pounds, and the single action to 2.5 pounds. The single action is a bit lighter than I really wanted. I used the 15 lb hammer spring and the lighter sear spring. I'd put the heavier sear spring in it, but I'm not going to tear it down again. I'm happy with it anyway - I have a couple of other CZs with very light triggers so I'm pretty used to them, and with the long take-up of the P 09, I still think it's pretty safe even at that weight. In single action the trigger has just the teeniest bit of creep - you have to really pay attention to notice it at all. But then I've tried triggers on very high end pistols that supposedly had "zero" creep and they had a little.
Very happy with the gun overall. I paid $405 for it NIB, and with $218 worth of parts I'd say I paid $622 for a handgun that shoots better than some $1000 guns.