« Reply #4 on: February 20, 2016, 01:20:13 PM »
My son got it for $250!
Thought I knew how to post a pic. Doesn't want to work today.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2016, 02:17:27 PM by czechollector »
CZ22, CZ24, CZ27, CZ36, CZ38, CZ45, CZ46, CZ50, CZ52, CZ70, CZ75, CZ82, CZ83, CZ85, Drulov M70, DUO, Grand .38 Sp, Mars, Z, M1922, Praga, Praha, Slavia, Little Tom, VZ24, VZ33, VZ52, VZ52/57, VZ527, VZ54, VZ58, VZ98/22, ZKM451, ZKM455S