Because I wanted a DAO P-07! From the first time I ever held a P-07 I was in love, and knew it was the pistol for me, I just had to figure out a way to get it perfect according to me. It also goes nicely with my P-09 MHS (which is what put the P-series DAO bug in my head).
Gotta remember, I come from a revolver background, followed by traditional DA/SA. I just prefer a true DAO trigger, and I have carried those more in the past 26 years than anything else.
Like I've said before, my EDC was the CZ 100 but, it hasn't been made in 10 years now and parts availability is slim to none from what I have seen in the last year plus of ownership. So if I have something break on it in the future, I might very well be up the creek without a paddle for it. So, after CZ made the MHS pistols and I knew there was no way possible for me to get one of the P-07 variants, I contacted Stuart and long story short, I was informed they could do it. Mission accomplished!
Concerning buying pistol that are already factory DAO, I have or have had DAO pistols by almost everybody else, and next in line behind the CZ's for carry use are the Beretta's (PX4 D, had a 8000 D and 96 D Centurion), followed by the Sig P250. The only ones I've not had that interest me, are Walther's P99 DAO and P99Q (the P99Q unfortunately, I will never be able to obtain as it was never imported). I would also love to get my hands on another Ruger P95 DAO, but that is a hard find also nowadays.
Wrapping up, I could care less about HK's LEM trigger, or the Sig DAK. The only hybrid DAO trigger I care for are 3rd Gen S&W's. Sorry for the rant!