Author Topic: 75 SA to DA  (Read 1573 times)

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Offline redlightrich

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75 SA to DA
« on: May 13, 2017, 01:33:22 PM »
Hello all, I am about to pick up another 75. Currently my choice is 75B and 75SA. I like the frame a tad better on the SA, but if I miss the double action, can I add it? I notice that the safety levers between the 2 are very different. Are the holes in the frame for the safety the same?  My guess is if the hole for the safety is the same, the rest is simply parts swapping ( hammer, disco, trigger and maybe some other items? Sear? Not certain.

I realize the conversion is usually done the other way, but was hoping someone had knowledge to pass along.

Thank you


Offline Tok36

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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2017, 03:57:23 PM »
It should not be an issue to add DA function to a CZ 75 SA. You will need a few parts. I have seen quite a few people accomplish exactly what you are thinking about. You are not alone in preferring the CZ75 SA frame.

-DA/SA hammer with a hole for disconector (two holes total). Factory SAO hammers may only have one hole for the hammer strut.
  Note: when swapping hammers some fitting may be required to regain proper safety function.

-DA/SA style Trigger. SAO and DA/SA trigger are designed differently

-A disconector

-A hammer strut/disco pin.

The CZ 75B has a left side only safety lever. A CZ 75 SA has ambi safety levers. So the frame hole for the safety on the right side is a little different. However this dose not affect the compatibility with the DA/SA parts that you will need to add to gain DA function in the CZ75 SA.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 07:06:04 PM by Tok36 »
Will work for CZ pics! (including but not limited to all CZ clones)

Offline Tyerone

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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2017, 04:14:37 PM »
Would the reason for this conversion be that you want to turn it into a self defense gun?  Are you considering the SA for self defense or target fun?  Just asking, because I am blesed enough with fine SD alternatives, but am considering the SA for target fun, similar to the 1911 use for me.  Of course they all can be used for SD; don't flame me here for MY lack of interest in a SAO for a SD role!


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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2017, 05:50:03 PM »
If you are going to do it with stock parts let me know, I have a large pile of what you need.

Offline Tyerone

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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2017, 05:58:17 PM »
Ha!  There you go; permission granted.  Now go get that SA with confidence and report back!

Offline redlightrich

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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2017, 09:43:25 PM »
Thank you all for the fast and considerate responses. No I wasn't intending for any special purpose, such as home self defense. I shoot my other CZ's in double occasionally, and feel that I already have enough single only guns.

I thought I may like the trigger on the SA, as well as the frame, but I have this nagging feeling that I may want double at some time. I am still in the horrific state of NJ, where each pistol needs a permit, so I think each purchase thru fully.

Also thank you very much for the kind parts offer. I intend to buy the SA tomorrow ( I got sidetracked today and needed to read the responses before I bought it.

BTW, I did search this sight and found threads in regards to the inverse of my question, but I wasn't sure it would work both ways.

Thank you again


Offline redlightrich

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Re: 75 SA to DA
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2017, 08:52:34 AM »
Well, I went to the LGS, and in a very unusual state of inventory, the sales person was able to take their time to let me handle their CZ's. I had on the counter at one time a 75b, 75bSA, a 75b in stainless, and to confuse me further, he took out a 97b and one of the new Poly models.
They also have a 75b 40 Anniversary model too.

After all the comparison, I have narrowed it down to almost every CZ made!!  Seriously, the SA has a  very nice trigger out of the box, but so did the SS 75b in SA. The slide seemed to be more gritty on the SS model, while the SA felt very smooth as you racked it. I am sure the SS will wear in to become smooth.

The SS has different grips which are very nice, and I like the safety much more on the SS. It is smaller and looks nicer. I will not carry this gun, so I prefer the smaller safety.

The SA came with 2 10 rounders, and the SS came with 2 16 round altered to NJ legal which is 15. Silly 15 is ok, 16 is an issue? My opinion about magazine cap on handguns is...well.. my opinion doesn't matter in NJ.

The SS was 170 dollars more than the SA, which is why I hesitated. In NJ each pistol requires a permit, if not, I wouldn't stress so much about it..

BTW the SS and the SA both have the nicer beaver tail.  CZ used to be a terrific price value, and they are still good. However, at near 800 dollars ( plus tax, and NICs), we are approaching a very nice 1911. Of course not a top end, but I can think of several SS 1911 brands that can be had at 800 dollars.

I guess I should get the SS model. I know I can convert a DA to a SA fairly straight forward.

Thank you again
