Author Topic: Brand new P01 Convertible Omega and a well worn-in P01 show up at a north Bohemian range  (Read 4858 times)

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Offline Psyop96

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Merci beaucoup to Froggy for the opportunity for some range time with the P01 Convertible (Omega).

These are initial and casual observations as only around 20-30 rounds were expended with some time spent handling and dry firing to compare the feel of both pistols. Only the decocker mode was used with the Omega. No gauge measurements were made so these are all subjective comparisons. For some context, I regularly shoot CGW (including a P07 with Omega) and CZC tuned pistols so I am a bit spoiled by those first-class actions as an average, casual shooter.

My upfront and overall observation on this P01 Convertible (Omega) is that it's similar to many stock CZ triggers. It can benefit with some wearing in to smooth out the action and some slight tweaking. On this occasion, the older and well-used PCR's trigger felt smoother and also seemed to have less pre-travel and a slightly shorter reset. I'm indifferent on the use of the recurve trigger so I don't believe that had much effect on my opinion of the two trigger mechanisms. I believe the recurve trigger provides the potential benefit of the least amount of reach needed of all available CZ trigger profiles. I generally prefer the 85c type triggers.

The Omega DA was noticeably heavier than that of the well worn-in standard P01. This can be remedied with a lighter main spring. I like the profile of the Omega trigger (especially on my cajunized P-07). On my small-med hands, the Omega trigger on the metal frame P01 felt further forward in the DA static mode (using decocker to drop hammer so hammer not fully resting) than on the older pistol. Two other casual shooters on the range who picked up both pistols liked the Omega trigger in the DA static mode over the recurve trigger. They did not fire the two pistols for comparison. I also think that thinner grips instead of the stock rubber grips would help with the trigger reach. I have used the rubber grips on the full size CZs in the past but did not recall that they felt a tad "fat" as it did this time on both pistols.

In SA, the reset was compared by the dry fire method of pressing the trigger for hammer fall, continuing to hold the trigger to the rear, racking the slide and hammer to the rear, and then slowly releasing the trigger to the reset point. Releasing the Omega trigger for the reset appears to have a slight drag at one position just before it hit the reset point. That wasn't felt on the recurve trigger. As previously stated, the reset travel felt slightly longer.

One other thing - it was mentioned that someone with long thumbs might sometimes inadvertently trip the new style, front decocking lever while releasing the slide stop to chamber a round. The last photo shows the Omega with slide locked back.  In case you miss it, there's a vz. 61 with folding stock in the photo [emoji38]

CZ describes the Omega as a redesign of the original system to simplify it and to make takedown and reassembly of the trigger mechanism possible without tools. It's a good stock trigger on the P01 Convertible (Omega) designed for LE and military duty. It's likely to smooth out with many firing cycles just like the original design. There's room for fine tuning by CZC, CGW, home-smithers, et al. The differences between the two pistols were subtle, nothing that would really matter for all practical purposes and both shot similarly acceptable groups using bulk ammo within 15 meters or so on a non-bullseye type paper target.

On the photos, the notable exterior difference is the straighter contour of the frame behind the trigger. I concentrated more on photographing the pistols and not much on the targets as these were just crudely drawn circles and didn't shoot for precision as a result. Can only recall these two groups in the one photo as being from these two pistols; don't recall which one was which but do remember one set of sights (right grouping) were slightly off for me and felt compelled to make aiming point adjustments to the right after the first couple rounds. A huge, tempting bag full of other exotic firearms were available to shoot on this range so I didn't spend more time with the two CZ P01s as I would have liked under less tempting circumstances. [emoji1]

Thanks again to Froggy for this wonderful opportunity to check out the Convertible Omega. Thanks to all on the forum for taking the time to read my casual first-time experience with this exciting new trigger option for metal framed CZs. I'm looking forward to the new system hitting the US market and hearing about others' observations and enhancements to be offered from our usual great aftermarket smithing shops and suppliers. Na zdrav? a hezky v?kend.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 04:27:52 AM by Psyop96 »

Offline bpnkrtn

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Very interesting ... thank you.  I'm looking forward to getting some trigger time with both the new convertible Omegas, the P-01 and the 75 B.

Offline Tyerone

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Thanks for the comments and the pics.  I noticed that the omega safety is ambi.  Same for decocker?

Offline Psyop96

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That is the new style decocker installed on this Omega. In all the excitement, I forgot to take a look at the safety lever(s) that came in the box. I'll ask at the is also ambi.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2016, 08:55:38 AM by Psyop96 »

Offline amstaffer

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Bring this to the U S ASAP PLEASE

Offline runnerhiker

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The P01 Omega is in the USA catalog now.  If not available yet, it's only a matter of a short time.

Also, remember that the Omega trigger is a little smoother and a little lighter with the safety instead of the decocker.

Offline DJ45

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Unless/Until I can see it with my own eyes and handle it with my own hands, and they're available to buy, I refuse to get excited about it.  Same goes for any gun that's announced and hyped, yet won't be available until God-knows-when.

Can you tell that kind of practice irks me just a little?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2016, 06:19:10 PM by DJ45 »

Offline briang2ad

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To me the easy detail strip is a HUGE advantage because disassembly and polishing are easy so the DA is smoothed.  This enables a better DA without spring changes, or perhaps using a 16 or 17 pounder, and keeping reliable ignition. 

Another advantage is the more ergonomic decocker for a thumbs fwd position.  I always felt the old one got in the way a bit. 

I hated the recurve trigger on the 75 line.  Another plus for the new format. 

Generally, the Omegas I've handled had a crisper SA break, and less grit in take Up.

Bravo.  Now if they can produce and market before hiliary shuts us down.

Offline Froggy

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Ahooj Psyop96,
It was my upmost pleasure to have you shooting with us & appreciated immensily your company, expertise & advise. This is a far better write-up that I would have produced even in French   ;)   Many thanks !!

The 1st thing coming to mind is that I share your opinion & do feel the reset is slightly longer on the Omega than on the classic P01. A little longer than I am used to . I feel the slight drag you mentioned did even out a little on sunday as well as the 1st "ghost" reset perceived before the definite reset.

The Omega trigger's curve is indeed a stark improvement IMO over the previous one especially for the repeated shots or a range gun and add to the pistol's overall confort. 

The decoker is ambi - I have not even looked at the safety. 

The only target photo I have -  about 10 yards / Sumbro 124gr ammo (Macedonia) / 2 hands unsupported.

The center shoots were 22lr shot with a Beretta 71 by the shooter I was sharing the booth with,  the P01's are the 5 shoots series in the squares. At that distance it easily clovers with a bit of concentration & efforts.

We pushed the target to 25 yards & could group within a 20/25 cm circle.

This P01 Omega was purchased to become my polyvalent CR's "go-pistol" to replace the Glock 17 & XDM that I normally use. So far,  I have shot it SA with getting to know the trigger in mind.  I had a brief go at falling plates with a faster pace of DA shooting & with a holster intend to focus during my next visit on a more dynamic form of shooting.   
From a practical side,  so far, 10 to 20 yards,  this new offering from CZ does everything I wanted it to do.

Jsem opravdu zamilovany do me krasne nove P01 Omega !    ;)

Offline Psyop96

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Froggy - you have beautiful hands! [emoji3] T??? mne hezk? Stef. Enjoy your nice P01 Convertible Omega.

Offline joel0019

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Do you know when they will come to u.s market

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Offline Froggy

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in action under the sun this time  :)
« Last Edit: July 26, 2016, 11:37:09 AM by Froggy »

Offline Psyop96

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Great shot of Stef!