I was on the fence concerning the purchase of an P-07 UG but as usual, fell off the wagon. I picked up my UG a couple of days ago and now have her all cleaned/lubed and ready for the range. I won't be able to go until next weekend but once I do go I'll post my results. I love myP-07 FDE so I'm sure I'll love the UG. I'm hoping the higher sights will be easier to see at the indoor range than the sights on my FDE. I actually have another FDE coming in today and I'm going to get fiber optics installed on it for range use. I'll leave the trit sights on my current FDE (my carry gun).
Just wanted to post a picture of the 2 P-07s that I currently have. As I've said before, I really like the P-07!!! They are the only centerfire pistols I own since I've recently gotten into suppressed 22s and ARs. But I'm very impressed with them and would like to perhaps suppress the UG at some point in time.