Is there any reason I should not try a lighter recoil spring? The stock is 18#, I was thinking about trying a 14#er. I mainly shoot 124g TMJ and use 124g standard pressure Federal HST for defensive purposes.
As long as it doesn't fling your brass a mile away and beat the frame to death it's always nice to lower the recoil spring, makes racking easier and sight tracking better. Ejection distance should be 6 to 8ft for spent brass.
The first thing I would do is figure out what is causing the gritty feeling by eliminating possibilities one by one. For example by removing your recoil spring you will be able to more easily detect were rough/problem areas are or by removing the barrel you remove the gun unlocking and the barrel rubbing the slide you can also remove the hammer to see if the hammer and slide contact is causing you issues.
Sometimes the angles on the back of the slide where it contacts the hammer are pretty sharp and adding a bigger radius can really improve racking. Also the bottom side of the slide that rubs the hammer when you pull the slide rearward can be a little rough and polishing that up is never a bad idea.
I visually inspected the internals today to see if I could find anything. Nothing. No unusual marks on the frame or slide. When I took out the barrel and just manually racked the slide back and forth it felt much smoother. So I wonder if the recoil spring is just extremely stiff and that's what is going on.
Now that I think about it, I did have some ejected brass hit me in the face yesterday. I wonder if the stiff spring isn't ejecting brass very far because I have never had this happen before.
Although the gun was covered in the factory grease, I noticed that the internal rail on the frame was quite dry. I stripped the factory grease and covered the rails today. It seemed to help somewhat.
I just ordered a compact 14# recoil spring for my PCR and another 14# for my SP-01. I'll check the casing ejection distance next time I am at the range.
The stock recoil spring is 18# so combined with that being on a compact package maybe I am just mistaking the grittyness for stiffness. It definitely 'hangs' up more than I think it should though. I should know when I throw in the 14# recoil spring if that's what it was.
I'll be swapping out my hammer spring tomorrow for a 15# or 13# so I'll see if that makes any noticeable difference. The hammer does feel very stiff and dramatically more difficult to cock than my SP-01. I assume that's because I am used to the 13# hammer spring I have in my SP-01.
Thank you very much for the suggestions.