Hi bm303,
The RAMI's 3" barrel makes it the most concealable, and its CZ-lightest status makes it the most carryable. Its (best in class) 15 round capacity and full-fingered forward-hooking grip give it CZ-legendary ergonomics; the BD model offers freedom from the risk of a forgotten, under pressure, safety while providing a nice strong thumb land as well.
All this plus Tritium TruDot night sights? No contest, imho. I carry 12:00 IWB with a modified Crossbreed SuperTuck that hides all but the hammer and butt of the extended grip below the belt-top level while being trimmed to enable fully comfortable seating (& squatting & bending over) with total tucked-shirt (or T-shirt) concealment.
CGW's Short Reset Kit, OEM "Thick" Trigger, Reduced Power Trigger Return Spring, and Floating Trigger Pin, along with polishing of the hammer's SA tooth face (if needed) and a tiny speck of Anti-Sieze compound at the sear-SA tooth interface make for a dreamy slick trigger. Raising the spring shoulder on the main spring strut ~1.5mm will further lower trigger pulls safely, in that the Short Reset Kit's blue Main Spring otherwise goes coilbound at full cock (or did on my RAMI, at least). My trigger (tip) pull values are SA: 2.4 lb.; DA: 4.7 lb.