Mr. HH--Try Cyberlink Power Director 11 or later for editing software on a Windows PC. It is about $70, I think. Easy to use.
The real trick to shooting at 100 yards is duplicating the sight alignment for each shot, especially with open sights. It is easier with a red dot, but still the same challenge. I pick an aim point that is just a little larger than the dot size and then try to see some of the aim point around the dot. Last weekend with the 75B I shot 5 rounds each of two different loads, checked and marked the hits, went back and did two more 5 shot groups and they were both slightly below the first goups. I think I lined up the dot on the bottom edge of the aim point on the second groups instead of the center, but I did it the same for all 10 shots. The groups were still good at 2" (50 yards, not a 100), but offset.
Shooter ALWAYS needs work. Gun rarely, after first fix.