Author Topic: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting  (Read 1209 times)

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Offline dbarn

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SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« on: September 10, 2016, 12:21:58 AM »
Not all of the time, but every now and then I'm getting the last round empty sitting on top of the mag and not ejecting. Really not a major problem as it falls out with the mag, but just trying to figure out.

Also the empty is chewed up at the end of the case. It does not appear to be ammo specific.  Any ideas?


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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 07:07:47 AM »
Interesting but we need a bit more info on the problem.
How many rounds through the gun?
How are the other rounds ejecting? How far from the gun do they land?
What is the condition of the other ejected rounds?
does it appear to happen with every mag or just 1 or 2?
My best guess right now would be to look at the ejector and make sure it isn't broken and maybe check out the extractor as well.

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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2016, 10:37:32 AM »
About 1200 rounds through so far.

The rounds are ejecting about 6-8 ft and are perfect with  no deformities. It does not appear to be specific to a mag.

The pistol is really perfect in every other way and I don't want to modify anything on the pistol. I can live with this problem, just seems odd. 

I will say that the mags used thus far are all factory 18 rounders. Also have some new Mec gar 17 rounders. May give them a try, but if mags it would seem others would have this problem.

« Last Edit: September 10, 2016, 10:39:39 AM by dbarn »


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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2016, 11:35:54 AM »
Could be weak extractor tension but really without actually seeing it misbehave it's hard to say. I would assume it's still under warranty so maybe give CZ-USA a call and see what they suggest. If something is wrong it will only get worse over time.

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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2016, 12:21:45 PM »
Will do. How frequently should the extractor be removed and cleaned?

Also I noticed the bottom of the extractor pin is staked to slide, seeming to indicate the factory did not want it removed. If removed should it be re-staked to prevent moving down? 


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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2016, 01:11:12 PM »
Some people clean behind the extractor pretty often. I clean my guns after each outing and scrub around the extractor with solvent and an old tooth brush then rinse that away with aerosol spray so mine stay pretty clean back there.
If you remove the extractor you can re-stake it pretty easily. I use an old sharpened small screwdriver for things like that. It only takes a firm tap or two. Those pins fit pretty tight and I've not seen one back out yet.
I replaced the extractor on my 75BD at 10k rounds and never did restake the pin. That was about 12k rounds ago now.

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Re: SP-01 last round empty not ejecting
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2016, 06:37:17 PM »
Gun solvent or spray brake cleaner can clean out behind and down the extractor channel effectively.
I  prefer the spray non-chlorinated brake cleaner.  When using gun solvent,  blowing it out with compressed air might be the best way to clear any crud.
I don't lube the extractor except what lube is provided by Hoppe's gun cleaner.