There is, occasionally, a small difference in the size of the magazine tubes on the MecGar CZ magazines. Not the 16 round ones, but the higher capacity magazines (they may start out the same and just have the extended bases installed on them but I've never had an issue with a purchased 16 round magazines - can't say that for the 18/19 round magazines).
It may be such a small difference that in a pistol with the magazine well sized correctly you'd never see a problem.
My issue - I used a MecGar high cap. magazine to size/modify the mag well on my Pre B CZ 85 (all internal filing/metal removal). I filed/tested, filed/tested (and repeated) till I had easy insertion/drop of the magazine.
Then I bought more of them, several more. I gave some to my youngest son for his CZ 75 SA. As I worked through them (removing them from the package and putting them into service in the Pre B CZ 85 and several CZ 75 Compacts) I suddenly ran into one that just would not insert fully into the Pre B CZ85. That made me grab the rest of them and try them as well. One of the new ones would also not fully insert into the Pre B CZ 85 mag. well.
That was two out of maybe ten. Seems like I had 10 or 12 of them, total, counting the ones I'd given to my youngest son.
I asked him to take those two that wouldn't insert into the Pre B CZ 85 and try them in his CZ 75 SA. He told me they worked just fine in his pistol. He then traded me back two of the mags. he'd been using and they worked fine in my Pre B.
So, every now and then, you may run across a magazine (or two) from MecGar that are just a little larger in size. May not ever show up in a pistol with a properly sized mag. well, but we all should realize that a combination of manufacturing tolerances (+ QC specs/standards) can result in fit/function issues every now and then with big/long (but still within specifications) meets small/short (but still within specifications) parts for fit/function.
Nothing is perfect. CZ's come close, some more so than others.