Having owned all three of them between the RAMI BD, Glock 26, and XD Mod 2 Subcompact, I'm partial to the RAMI, then the XD, and finally the Glock.
Yes, the RAMI is a little chunky in the grip, but it fits my hand better and is more of a natural pointer. The alloy frame and extra weight that it carries also seems to soak up a little bit more of the recoil (not like a 9mm has much anyway).
The XD seems chunky in the slide area to me because of the slide's height, but I do like the way it feels in my hand, though I really don't care for the grip safety design.
The Glock 26 is my least favorite of the three, and that is because without major grip modification work it just does not fit my hand well, especially when drawing and presenting from the holster (that goes for the 19 and 17 also). Can't say anything negatively about the accuracy or reliability on it, or the other two as well.
All of them digested whatever ammo I fed/feed them, and they all disappear worn IWB, even with magazines from their respective big brothers with a grip sleeve. I will also give a nod to the CZ because the BD model comes from the factory with Meprolights. Of course the RAMI is DA/SA, unless you get the traditional model with the thumb safety allowing cocked and locked carry, if that is your preference.
Just remember if you choose to go with a double action first trigger pull you're going to have a long 10# pull, followed by a short 4 to 5# SA pull. Not knowing whether you have prior experience dealing with that trigger system or not, if you don't it can be a little bit of an adjustment coming from a striker fire system with the same trigger pull for every shot. Just takes a little bit of practice if you're not familiar or versed in it.