Anyone ever use a heavy trigger pull ga. to measure how much force it take to rack the slide on a pistol with a new recoil spring (yeah, you might want to cock the hammer first so you're not adding that to the recoil spring compression) and then measure it again every thousand rounds or so to see when/how much deterioration you get as the spring weakens?
You know if the hammer spring weakens then you might be able to read that, too, if you can put the trigger pull ga. hook through the hole in the hammer.
Awhile back I bought an aftermarket recoil spring for my 1911. It's a flat spring, not the standard round wire spring. The well know pistol parts manufacturer's add said the flat springs can last up to ten (10) times as many rounds as the older round wire springs. I'm not saying I believe them, I'm saying that's what their description said.
And so far, on this web site I've only seen folks mention that their slide release broke/cracked at some point. I did see, on another forum, a complaint about a P09 trigger return spring breaking shortly after the guy bought it. Seems like someone mentioned breaking their firing pin retaining pin in a CZ, maybe more than one person though.