I'm retired, which means, "I don't see very well and my hands shake a bit!" I also wear bifocals which mean I can only focus on the front sight or the target but never both.
I bought a set of TFX sights for my CZ75b to help in the acquisition of target. In no light circumstances, the Tritium is a great help. In bright light, the fiber optics make sighting even better but I'm still having a few problems. Trembling hands cannot be helped.
However, at the indoor range there is another problem. The shooters box is not illuminated and FO is not much of a help and it is still too bright for Tritium to kick in.
Being new to target shooting, I wonder if all ranges have dark shooters boxes. The targets of course have spotlights. I've mentioned the darkness to one of the range officers and his reply was that they're still new and that was one of the changes they were considering but, I haven't seen anything done about it.
Is this a problem at most indoor ranges or am I being na?ve for expecting adequate lighting?
Another problem is with my bifocals. I understand that contact lenses for bifocal users assign one eye lens for distance and the other for reading. Has anyone shooting found these dedicated lenses to be helpful in target shooting or not? I can see where it would take some getting used to focusing near and the other far at the same time or would it just blur everything with both eyes open?
Any bifocal shooters out there have any helpful points?