Sorry for the long lag on replying (travel assignment for work). Last month I finally did the smart thing and broke the gun down and properly cleaned and lubed everything and followed y'alls advice and polished the feed ramp. Took my 1911 and P-09 to my LTC qualification. Shot with the 1911 to qualify and then broke out 100 rounds each of the UMC, Fiocchi, Winchester, American Eagle and Blazer (all 115 grain FMJ) as well as 20 rounds of hollow point Federal. HPs fired flawlessly. First mag of UMC had 9 failures. Immediately switched to the Fiocchi and went down the list. 400 rounds later (and some sore arms) and not a single failure of any kind. The thing shot like a dream. Not sure what the issue is with the UMC stuff (never had an issue with my 45s) but it was a fun experiment identifying what works.
Thanks for all the help everyone!