« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2016, 11:33:13 PM »
The dawson one for STI looks promising it looks as if it raises up, possibly enough that the factory 97 mag release just needs a slight planing to make it flat.
I think to keep it from possibly rotating shave half of the mag release .020 one one side and shave an equal amount from the other side of the paddle. Overall your lookingat taking less than a credit card of lengthoff of overall height above the grips.
Again I will have to try this to see if it is possible with the factory mag release, otherwise I'll be buying the extended mag release to try and make it work. I'll order one tomorrow an work the mag release as well...time to get my drill press dusted off....
One question.. what tap size to use. The sti product says a 4-40... Is that too big for the factory mag release?? Ill have to mike everything once I have everything in place
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 11:41:11 PM by dreith92 »

SP-01 (cajunized), SP-01 tactical Urban gray supressor ready, kadet II kit, P-01(cajunized), Tactical Sport 9mm, CZ97B, Tristar T-120(cajunized), Dan Wesson Bruin .45acp, Scorpion EVO pistol, Bren 805 Carbine