Author Topic: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions  (Read 3570 times)

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Offline jla956

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EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« on: November 10, 2016, 01:07:23 AM »
I am brand new to this forum but have been reading quite a few posts in this section for the past several days.  First off, there are some great topics on here with lots of good replies.  Also, love all of the pictures that are posted up - it's so much easier to see something and not have to interpret it from words.  In reading all the posts, and seeing the pictures of your pistols, I know that the collective knowledge and experience that you all have can make it a lot easier for me.  Here's what I plan on doing and what I would like some help on:

Like I mentioned in the subject line, my EVO pistol has been ordered and I should have it soon.  What I want to do is start the process of converting it over to a SBR as soon as possible.  In reading through the forums I've come to the conclusion that the first thing that I need to do is get a NFA Trust set up.  Any suggestions or recommendations as to how best do that would be much appreciated. 

Once the trust is set up I believe the next step would be to file a Form 1 with the AFT.  I have read that you can do that either manually, or if you have a trust established, then you can file it electronically.  Again, any suggestions or recommendations as to how to best go about doing that would be helpful.  Also, what has been your experience as to how long that process is taking once the Form 1 is filed until you receive your paperwork and tax stamp back from the ATF?

Once the tax stamp is received then I believe that I would need to go about accumulating and installing the required parts to make it 922r compliant.  I know that this can be done by purchasing a complete kit from CZ but could it also be legally done by purchasing those parts separately from various dealers?  For example, if you wanted to use a stock and some items from Yerti Works, some items from HBI, and some things from other dealers, could you legally assemble the required list of 922r items that way, or is it best just to buy an entire kit at one time?  Can all of the 922r items be installed by the owner or are some complicated and need to be installed by a gunsmith?

Either prior to or after the 922r items are installed I believe that the EVO would need to be engraved to make sure it was fully compliant with all the NFA rules regarding SBRs.  Any leads or recommendations at to engravers that you all have had good experiences with would be appreciated.

And last - do you have to keep a Form 1 and tax stamp with the weapon at all times?  If so, does it need to be the original or would a copy suffice?

I'm sure that I've forgotten something in the process but I'm at that "I don't know what I don't know" stage right now.  Again, you guys have been there already so I'm reaching out to you all for help and guidance.  Thanks in advance for all your input.
12/14/2016 - CZ Scorpion Evo S3 arrives from factory
1/6/2017 - Form 1 mailed
1/11/2017 - Form 1 received @ BATFE
1/12/2017 - Fee processed by BATFE
1/23/2018 - Approved by BATFE
2/5/2018 - Stamp Received from BATFE

Offline juggernault98

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2016, 05:05:01 AM »
I am brand new to this forum but have been reading quite a few posts in this section for the past several days.  First off, there are some great topics on here with lots of good replies.  Also, love all of the pictures that are posted up - it's so much easier to see something and not have to interpret it from words.  In reading all the posts, and seeing the pictures of your pistols, I know that the collective knowledge and experience that you all have can make it a lot easier for me.  Here's what I plan on doing and what I would like some help on:

Like I mentioned in the subject line, my EVO pistol has been ordered and I should have it soon.  What I want to do is start the process of converting it over to a SBR as soon as possible.  In reading through the forums I've come to the conclusion that the first thing that I need to do is get a NFA Trust set up.  Any suggestions or recommendations as to how best do that would be much appreciated. 

Once the trust is set up I believe the next step would be to file a Form 1 with the AFT.  I have read that you can do that either manually, or if you have a trust established, then you can file it electronically.  Again, any suggestions or recommendations as to how to best go about doing that would be helpful.  Also, what has been your experience as to how long that process is taking once the Form 1 is filed until you receive your paperwork and tax stamp back from the ATF?

Once the tax stamp is received then I believe that I would need to go about accumulating and installing the required parts to make it 922r compliant.  I know that this can be done by purchasing a complete kit from CZ but could it also be legally done by purchasing those parts separately from various dealers?  For example, if you wanted to use a stock and some items from Yerti Works, some items from HBI, and some things from other dealers, could you legally assemble the required list of 922r items that way, or is it best just to buy an entire kit at one time?  Can all of the 922r items be installed by the owner or are some complicated and need to be installed by a gunsmith?

Either prior to or after the 922r items are installed I believe that the EVO would need to be engraved to make sure it was fully compliant with all the NFA rules regarding SBRs.  Any leads or recommendations at to engravers that you all have had good experiences with would be appreciated.

And last - do you have to keep a Form 1 and tax stamp with the weapon at all times?  If so, does it need to be the original or would a copy suffice?

I'm sure that I've forgotten something in the process but I'm at that "I don't know what I don't know" stage right now.  Again, you guys have been there already so I'm reaching out to you all for help and guidance.  Thanks in advance for all your input.
Here is what I believe is mostly current (from my own research and experience) others chime Inc. Where I am wrong.

1. Trust is the way to go if you have the extra coin. I just filed mine manually at my buddy's shop it was not complicated at all.. I assume it's the same turn around either way. It's roughly 6 months.

2. You can do either or, some folks like the "one stop shop" for their 922 needs. Others like piecing and picking parts. I'm not getting the kit. There are exceptions to this if I recall.  I faintly remember that certain parts CAN'T count towards 922. And as far as gunsmithing the most I've had to do is break that weld. But by the sounds of it you have a newer model so that you do not need to worry about. I would order some "must have parts" right now that yeti wurks switchback is nice, trigger spring and safety delete (or use a drummel and file it down)

3. Your right you do need to engrave the weapon there is a specific way for what it says but I cannot remember there is information out there. I did hear that some members used a laser engraver and it was not affecting the weapon it took a couple times.

4. Yes, you have to keep the paper on you when you shoot the weapon. I was told in the box.

If I am misinformed please someone correct me. Thanks

Offline Destructo6

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2016, 10:02:47 AM »
I have read that you can do that either manually, or if you have a trust established, then you can file it electronically.
Apparently paper is the only method right now:
Q. Can my form 1/4 be eFiled?
No, eForms went away for form 1?s on July 12th with the implementation of 41F. Form 4?s has not been online since 2014. There is not ETA as to if or when the ATF will bring them back online.
Taken from this helpful website:

From memory, the 922r parts that count towards the 10 imported parts are (re Scorpion Evo):
    1) receiver
    2) barrel
    3) trunion
    4) muzzle device
    5) Bolt
    6) Magazine body
    7) Magazine follower
    8 ) Magazine floorplate
    9) Hammer
    10) Trigger
    11) Sear/disconnector
    12) pistol grip
    13) Handguard
    14) Buttstock
op rod (charging handle) Trigger Housing[/list]
The CZ 922r compliance kit comes with US made:
    1) magazine follower
    2) magazine floor plate
    3) disconnector
    4) trigger (shoe)
    5) muzzle device
The buttstock in the kit seems to be foreign made, so it doesn't help with the count.

You don't have to use the CZ 922r kit parts to eliminate 5 imported parts, but you do need to eliminate 5 from your total.

« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 08:34:51 AM by Destructo6 »

Offline russdiculous

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2016, 02:08:02 PM »
That list isn't correct. The charging handle isn't one of the parts and you're forgetting the trigger housing/lower receiver. The 922 parts for the Scorpion are:
  • Receiver
  • Barrel
  • Trunnion
  • Muzzle device
  • Bolt
  • Trigger housing
  • Trigger
  • Hammer
  • Sear
  • Disconnector
  • Buttstock
  • Pistol grip
  • Handguard
  • Magazine body
  • Magazine follower
  • Magazine floorplate

Offline Kenneth

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2016, 07:08:02 PM »
Are you married? Are you gonna be leaving the gun at home with someone else?

If anyone is gonna be responsible for that firearm then use a trust. This way if your wife ever uses that weapon or kids then they are safe.

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Offline Arokcrwlr

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2016, 09:09:05 PM »
+1 on what John A. said.

I have a couple of SBRs and a few suppressors via a trust prior to 41F. I want to do a couple more SBRs, but with 41F I think I am going to apply as an individual for anything else in the future.  I have my kids on my trust and they live in three different states.  My understanding is that not only does each trustee have to submit prints/photos, but they also have to notify the CLEO in whatever state they reside.  It's too much of a PITA - maybe that was the point of the new regs.

Offline Kenneth

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2016, 10:32:12 PM »
From what I have done I submitted 4 and when I get them back I'm gonna change my beneficiary to a responsible person so they can be in possession of the items. After that change you have to submit everything for both people.

Filing as an individual is simpler but what happens to your stuff if something happens to you? I want my stuff secured forever.

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Offline Arokcrwlr

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2016, 11:03:17 PM »

Offline OhHey1

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2016, 03:01:17 AM »
Just do it right the first time and get a trust. is more expensive but what you could call a premium trust. They offer mil/LEO discounts.

Sure you can file as an independent without a trust but then Uncle Sam takes it all back once you leave this world. A trust can be multi generational and your NFA items/firearms will follow your family forever. You can also attach others to your trust, allowing family or whomever you choose to take your NFA items/firearms out to play without requiring you to be there.

End of the day, you can file as an independent and save some money but you may have regrets not having the trust. If you get the trust, you will have nothing to regret in the long run. You can also call your gun trust guys for help or questions anytime. With e-filing gone right now, I did my first paper form and with the added 41-F changes and they sat on the phone with me while I filled it out. I submitted it with 100% confidence. Did you know if you're filing for a 300BLK SBR you need to put 7.62x35 for the caliber? I know I would have screwed that up without them.
-Form 1 filed 11/15, approved 3/16
-HBI AK safety lever
-HBI left side safety delete
-HBI Duckbill magazine release
-HBI Delta extended charging handle
-HBI Theta trigger shoe
-CZC trigger pack
-CZC upgraded disconnector
-CZC trigger job 3#
-CZC Zhukov adapter and stock
-Yetiwurks Switchback

Offline juggernault98

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EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2016, 04:08:15 AM »
I filed a fm-1 and then later on I'll file for a trust. Someone said without a trust once my time on earth is done uncle same is gonna take my sbr. The trust will stop this. True or false?

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Offline juggernault98

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2016, 01:54:48 PM »
Someone said without a trust once my time on earth is done uncle same is gonna take my sbr. The trust will stop this. True or false?

False.  An individual does not forfeit their property when they die and turn it over to the government.  OhHey implied that individuals do, but that's just not how it works.  Either trust or individual can leave it to whoever you want with no indifference.

I also linked the form 5 your heirs would use to transfer ownership when you die.  The form is simple, straightforward and as long as they're not a prohibited person, can transfer to them with no problem.
Okay, thanks for clearing that up. In order to transfer it the person would have to go through a background check correct? Like the same process as fm-1?

Offline Sigm4

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #11 on: November 13, 2016, 02:24:30 PM »
Something else to note, nothing precludes someone with an existing trust from amending their trust such that everyone listed (except for themselves) is no longer a "responsible person" and thus filing their Form 1/4 without all the hassle.  After the items are transferred they can then scrap the amendment.  Similarly, you can set up a trust with just yourself, go on a crazy buying spree, and then add others after everything is transferred.  It'd be something of a paperwork hassle, but probably less so than finger printing/CLEO notification for numerous friends/family if everyone is spread out.

As to the OP's question of who to you, I would point you toward Dean @  Have known many folks that have used his services and been very pleased.  He is very responsive during the initial setup and continues to be available afterward for any questions you have after the trust is established. 
Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view.

Offline Destructo6

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Re: EVO Pistol on the way - SBR questions
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2016, 11:07:19 AM »
That list isn't correct.
You are right. I just saw CZ-USA's post on the topic.

Interesting that the FN FAL uses a charging handle that operates in an identical manner as that of the Scorpion's, yet the ATF call's the FAL's an "Operating Rod" and contributes to the parts count. So arbitrary.