take a look at a reloading book and the various calibers both can do in some respect.
Its why i use them when i can.
Burning dirty is relative. I used some H110? when everyone and their mom raves about it. I found it "dirty"er than BE and Unique in my experience/observations. And then there are those that will say "im using it wrong" what the.....
An idea.
Since you have a "buddy" that uses it, ever consider asking him to use a few grains and load some up for yourself?
One of my shooting "buds" Is always asking for powder from me since he doesnt want to buy any and wants to try some if i have any of what he "thinks" he wants at that time. It will vary too since he will read something somewhere and may decide to want to try some.
what it comes down to is your endgame and if you want to try some. I do it for some powders.
fwiw, my endgame is:
> #1, more bang (bang) for the buck. IE. More shots per pound of powder.
> #2, is using 1 powder for as many of the calibers i reload for.
> #3 is see #1.
im not shooting for uber accuracy so i can afford to not be so picky. But its all up to you and your endgame.
and fwiw, i was looking at VV N340 since it was similar to unique/bullseye. I have several pounds to try but so far only did a handful of rounds. The only big issue is the cost. It cost more, but im willing to buy and try and see for myself. I have some other powders too.
and fwiw, i just made several thousand rounds of 9mm, 357 mag, 44 mag and 45 LC/Auto. that just about used up the rest of my 8 lb keg. But i have another keg of both to tap into if i want.
good luck